Adult Game

Davenport Games

Microsoft did not make the Original Xbox Game Console, they just put their name on it

Original Xbox logo.

Darkwatch - Ride Like The Devil

Ride Like The Devil - Walkthrough


Ride Like The Devil

At first, you will take on lesser enemies that are also riding steeds. Blast them away with your infinite ammo supply and keep a constant eye on your surroundings to watch for any spawning enemies. Eventually, Lazarus will return for another confrontation.

Darkwatch Ride Like The Devil 1
Darkwatch Ride Like The Devil 2

Focus your sights on Lazarus and unload your guns. He has a couple of simple attack patterns that are easy to avoid if you know what to look for. First, Lazarus typically shoots out a large spread of slow moving projectiles. You can shoot down these projectiles with your gun, though it is easier to simple dodge them with movement.

Darkwatch Ride Like The Devil 3
Darkwatch Ride Like The Devil 4

Lazarus will also swoop toward you and let out a series of bolt attacks that charge the ground. As long as you hold either left or right on the control stick (and do not let go!), you should be able to avoid these charges entirely and continue your attack. Eventually, you will scare off Lazarus and complete the mission.
