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GoldenEye 007 #5 - Teotihuaca'n

Teotihuaca'n - Walkthrough

GoldenEye 007 #5


Aztec Complex, Teotihuaca'n

In order to access the Aztec Temple, you must beat all of the previous levels (Dam-Cradle) on Secret Agent.

The Aztec level is based on the 1979 James Bond film Moonraker. It is the first bonus level in GoldenEye 007, unlocked by completing all the main story levels on Secret Agent. It is also available as a multiplayer level. The guards of the Aztec level are equipped with powerful US AR33 Assault Rifles, Moonraker Lasers and also use Hand Grenades. The guards here (including Jaws) also have better accuracy and action speed added to them in their action blocks, making them more difficult to face than most of the other guards in the game. Aztec is possibly meant to resemble the Aztec Ruins of Teotihuacan with a rocket launching system and a launch pad built into it, and overall, turned into a complex. It is widely noted as one of, if not the hardest level in the game. Considered the threshold for those trying to unlock 007 Mode (by completing 00 Agent difficulty), as this level's notoriously high difficulty makes it extraordinarily hard to remain alive at times.

you have come a long way, 007. Trevelyan is out of the way and all of Janus has been swept under the rug. You did one hell of a job out there, and MI6 will remember this one for years to come. But we are not done with you yet! Complete every main mission on Secret Agent difficulty, and you will unlock another mission that Her Majesty’s Secret Service has been forgetting about in the back of the file cabinet. Terrorism never sleeps, James, and someone has to worry about all those bad people out there. The Prime Minister has the media to contend with. How about we take care of these pesky, little rocks in our shoes without the public’s opinions, alright?


Aztec Complex, Teotihuaca'n.Long after Hugo Drax had met his match, MI6 began to notice equipment owned by the Drax Corporation being launched into orbit. M does not take this activity lightly and sees it as possible threat to the powers that be. Intelligence has whittled down the location of the headquarters for all of the Drax Corporation’s military research, and it is located in Teotihuan, within the pyramids of the Basin of Mexico. MI6 has also determined that a new full-fledged shuttle is set to launch very soon, and if that thing gets into space. well, we would rather not consider what could happen.

  1. Reprogram the Shuttle Guidance System (Agent)
  2. Launch the Shuttle (Agent)
M Briefing

The Drax launch facility is located in a South American Aztec ruin. They are scheduled to launch a stolen Nasa shuttle with an unknown military payload. we are sending you in alone, 007. Penetrating the base security will be tricky, but once you are in, we believe you will be able to recover the shuttle right out from under their noses.

Q Branch

Simple plan, 007. Reprogram the guidance computer with the information on this floppy – then we take control as soon as the old girl reaches orbit. You do not know is the Drax launch protocol. you have to find that data and install it to initiate the launch. Cannot be too difficult to spot, it will be lying around in some high security area.


Quetzacoatl ring any bells, James? No, I didn’t think so.

GoldenEye 007 Teotihuaca'n - Aztec Complex map dossier.
GoldenEye 007 Teotihuaca'n - Aztec Complex map.
  • PP7 Special Issue
  • US AR33 Assault Rifle (daul-wielded by Jaws)
  • Hand Grenade
  • Moonraker Laser
  • Tracker Bug
  • Bomb Defuser
Important Items
  • Guidance data
  • Security Smart Card
  • Launch Protocol Data
Body Armor

1 The Body Armor is hidden in the ventilation system, on the far right side.

  • Moonraker Elite
  • Autoguns
  • Jaws (Boss, required to be defeated to get the Smart Card to continue the level)

On the ships bridge (that place with the bomb and a hostage), there is a door that leads to a small room. This room has it guy in it brandishing 2 Phantoms! Agents and Secret Agents will also find a Body Armor here. There is also another body armor (Agent only) in the small room with the pipes and the boxes. If you shoot those boxes, you will also find some ammo.


The Frigate is a hostage situation. The hostages are dressed in green. You have to move quick and act fast and defeat quickly to save the hostages. If you wait too long, you will lose that hostage. On Agent, 2 hostages have to escape, 4 on Secret Agent, and 5 on 00 Agent. There are a total of 7 hostages being held captive.

, Teotihuaca'n.Start by heading out into the room and shooting the guards on the left, and one on the right. Collect the AR33's and open the door. The door is imbedded in the wall, it is discolored and on the opposite side of the start. As soon as it opens, shoot at the guard at the other end of the hall, he will not see you until the slow door reaches the top.

Move forwards, there are five enemies in this room. Two to the left and right on your side of the room, two on the sides of the next part, and one in the middle. These enemies are Grenade happy, so keep moving. defeat them all and get weapons and ammo. Move out into the next room out the door.

This next room is the "Space Room." It has a shiny floor, and it just looks like it has something to do with space. Several enemies are hidden in the small cubicles on the sides, defeat them. Beware: the glass can be shot through at the end and blow up important equipment, there is also a computer out of the glass and is needed to complete the level.

Go up to the computer on the left and examine it, this opens the secret door that looks like a computer mainframe one cubicle ahead. Turn left and shoot up all the enemies you can see in this first section with the Scope. Move to the end and turn right. Pull up the scope and pick off the enemies here, then go to the end and turn right again.

In the Exhaust port room, it closes and seals the exit, so you no longer have access to the space room. do not worry, just blow up the computer console on the right and head in the vent behind it. Move forward and turn left as soon as you can.

Head up to the long hall, there are two drone guns that cannot face you, so defeat them both and go left. Enemies should be at the end of the hall. Shoot them and head that way to the end. There is an exit vent. Go out it.

Run for you life and find some defilade (cover). You should have picked up a laser from one of the guys inside the vent, so pull it out and pick off the Drone Guns to stop them from firing. Take out the infantry and head down into the vents on the other side.

Head left and go down the stairs. Follow this path until you get to a very narrow area. This is the hard part, lean out and shoot to the left at the enemy that is there, then turn around. Surprise! it is Jaws! Shoot the guard next to him and then run towards Jaws, firing with the laser. Get as close as you can to him and start shooting. His arms are to long to reach you, and you are ripping him apart with the laser, when he starts to stumble, you can back away and just keep hitting him until he dies. Get his smart card and Dual AR33's.

Head back out the way you came and up the stairs. Back out of the vent, head right of the vents heading to the Exhaust Room. Ascend the ladder and use the computer on the other end to open the Exhaust Bay. Head back down and in the vent to the exhaust room. Go back, then head all the way back to the "space room." Open it by using the computer on your side of the door.

Head right and open the glass with the smart card. Collect the Launch Procedure DAT from the table, then go into your inventory and take out the Guidance Data. Use it by the disk drive and it gets uploaded. Head back down to the big room (through the exhaust bay) and climb the ladder. Open the exhaust bay with the computer and head down.

Go to the part with the giant glass and two drone guns from before. Turn right and use the DAT by the mainframe. This will start the launch protocol, then begin to launch the shuttle. After it reaches 0, you win!

  • It is possible to encounter guards that have become stuck from a rare glitch while they are dual-wielding Moonraker Lasers. See the Moonraker Laser page for more information on this glitch.
  • Upon arriving in the room with the computers and black floor, James Bond's picture can appear on the monitors.
  • Female guards were originally intended for this level.
  • It is possible to skip climbing the ladder to cycle the blast pit doors at the end of the mission by cycling them after clearing the control room; the game only cycles their state, so when the launch is initiated the doors will open instead of close. This is essential to completing the mission on 00 Agent with less difficulty.
  • It is possible to lead a guard to the glass case containing the guidance data; if they bump into it, they will open it. Since defeating Jaws is not an objective, this can be used to completely avoid encountering him.
  • The correct spelling of "Teotihuacan" in GoldenEye 007 is Teotihuaca'n. This is seen in the mission briefing and mission introduction.
