Adult Game

Davenport Games

A huge step up from the SNES in looks and playability

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion #21 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Walkthrough

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion #21

Chapter 3

Section 1: Lost Land Junkyard, Chapter 3

Before jumping off this small ledge and actually drudging into the junkyard, turn around and grab the life force. Now jump down and go on about your merry way. Since there is very little to do in this area, and no enemies to speak of, just wander around aimlessly collecting things. But once you are done doing that, you should use your energy grapple to get up into that room. The room is located straight ahead from the entrance to the level. Once in there, turn left and blow this guy away with a Tek arrow or anything else. Grab the module he drops and turn around. Run down the curved hallway and kill the guy with spikes coming out of his arms, then run to the end and pop the module in. Run back down the curved hallway and through the now open door, killing a spike guy on the way.

Section 2: Plane Wreck, Chapter 3

You can get turned around very easily in this area, but if you follow my walkthrough, you will be in and out of there before you know it. Grab the clip of ammo and go right up to the edge but not over it. Aim down and to the left with your Tek Bow and blast the guy there. Immediately aim out into the distance to the right a bit and kill the guy out there. Jump down and wade through the water until you see a ramp and some barrels on the right. Go up the ramp and get the ammo here. Go up the big, steep ramp and into the bluish lit cave. Grab the shotgun upgrade and use something non-explosive like the assault rifle to kill those pesky bugs.

Go out of this cave and down the right side of the big ramp. Climb onto the wing of the plane and kill the guy hiding behind the waterfall. Go up onto the fuselage (middle) of the plane and run back to the tail fins. Kill the guys off to the right and go across the right fin and through the door there. Follow the hallway.

Section 3: The Drain, Chapter 3

Follow the hallway to the end and shoot the raptor on the ground level before you jump down there. This area gets hectic real quick, so pull out your Mag 60 or Assault Rifle. do not use the Fireswarm cause it uses 5 shells per shot. And watch out for those huge monsters, they do not like you at all. You have to find the red and blue crystal keys to open the exit to this room. From the entrance, take a left and run all the way to the end of the room.

Go in the smaller room and grab the blue crystal. Spin around immediately with your assault rifle cocked and let enough rounds fly to kill the huge guy. Now a compy (a small green dinosaur) will run at you. Kill it before it gets to you, as well as the raptor that is also headed your way. Run straight across into the other room and grab the red crystal. Hop up onto the box here and take out the small dinosaur coming at you full speed ahead. Place the two crystals in their respective slots to open the door.

Kill each dinosaur as you see it, before it has a chance to get to you. If the dinos do make it to you, run backwards while pumping them full of lead. Go down the hallway that you just opened.

Section 4: Generator Room, Chapter 3

This area mainly consists of running around collecting objects and putting them in their slots. Well, that fact out of the way, lets get started. As you run forward you will see a guy being eaten by compys.Quickly replace their meal with a well-placed shotgun blast. Go up the ramp and do a little box-hopping for some ammo. Go back to the platform and through the doorway at the other end of it. Go up the ramp into the generator room itself and kill the guy waiting in there. Run straight ahead, past the door on the right, to the huge ramp leading upwards. At the top of this ramp, take the platform to the right, labeled control room. Kill the guy there, take Access Module B and leave this room.

Back on the raised platforms, head across to the other doorway up here, and put in the module. Run in here and kill the two-headed freak and grab the battery. Leave the room, and take the ramp back down to the ground level. Go through the door right behind the ramp, the one I told you to ignore before. Go up and put in the battery at the top of the ramp. Kill the two-headed freak that runs out and head through the door he just came from. Follow the hallway.

Section 5: The Lab, Chapter 3

Follow the curved hallway all the way around and kill the two-head, then drop into the room and grab Access Module C. Go to the door on the other side of the big console and put in the module. Walk in here and down to the small area. Grab the fuse (the big red thing), hit the switch, and climb onto the elevator. Kill the guy crouched behind the box and the two-head that drops down near those life force hanging in the air to the left. Go through the small hole in the grating.

Section 6: The Dam, Chapter 3

For now, just run straight across to the cave on the other side. In here, you will have to kill some raptors and then claim your prize, the green fuse. Leave the cave and go to the HUGE pipe in the middle of the area. Drop down it.(do not bother with the energy grapple, it just leads to some shotgun ammo that you can get later.)Kill the guy here and collect the blue fuse. Now, climb up the ladder, run back to the small hole in the grate.

kill another two head that drops down where the other one did, up the elevator, through the small room, down the curved hallway.

Go into each side room here and step up to the console to automatically place each fuse. Then run into the main generator room (where the generator is now on), up the ramp again, and into the right hand doorway labeled "control room". Go right in there and through the newly opened door.

Here we are, back at the dam, but an unfamiliar part of it. Grab the useless vampire gun, and hit the red button on the console right in front of it. After you watch yourself flood the entire area (good job), go through the newly opened door to your left. Collect the stuff around the edge of the pool before dropping down into it. Go down into the water, and it is time to go snag your third PSG part. Swim all the way down and into that familiar hole in the grating.

Back in the lab when this place was dry, you have might've noticed a bunch of life force and a little alcove way high up, where you couldn't get to. Well, now you can. From the grate, turn right and swim to see the life force, then follow them to the water's surface. Go up into the alcove for your PSG part and an Ultra Health. Jump back in the water and swim down through the grate again.

Swim up to the surface. You should see a hole in the wall where the plane crashed into it earlier, and a series of small alcoves that each contain an item. Go collect all the items, THEN go to the hole in the wall. Kill the guard there and jump over the little wall. Run forward past the burning plane.

Section 7: Into the Jungle, Chapter 3

To get the full experience from this area (and a bunch of goodies while you are at it), you should jump up onto the big pipe stuck into the left wall. Follow this as far down as it goes, stopping along the wall to kill a guy or two. Then turn around and backtrack along the pipe to the energy ball that is up and to your left.

Shoot up to it, and take this set of platforms to their end. Then backtrack along the ground to collect the last few items. A small walkthrough is in order for the high up platforms. First, grapple up there. Then, walk up the steep hill and across the flat surface, collecting the grenade launcher as you do. Walk down the other side of the hill, and fall onto the metal walkway thing, then onto the next platform. From there, hop onto the pipe and then drop to the ground.

Once you have explored this area thoroughly, head for the exit (the end of the level that seems to have nothing but a doorway). Run down the hall.

Section 8: The Foyer, Chapter 3

Leave the hallway and shoot the huge apeish thing from as far away as possible. do not stop shooting until it is dead. Kill the guys up high, then use the energy grapple to get up there. Grab the firestorm cannon and if you are low on health, follow this little trick. back up as close to the edge as you can under the energy grapple ball. Back up slowly until you start to fall, then immediately hold forward. You should land on the balcony right below you, where a full health and a quiver of arrows is waiting. Fall to the ground then energy grapple back up to the top and go down the hallway. Run around to the other side of the balcony, and go down the ramps into the main room. After collecting all the goodies from this room, find the missing section in the chains around the big hole and go down the ramp.

Section 9: The Opisthor's Chamber, BOSS: Opisthor, Chapter 3

Run over to the first small pool thing to the right and wait for the beast to pop up. Strafe around, shooting him with the shotgun (NOT the Fireswarm) until he retreats into the water. Immediately go hit the big button on the wall to lock it. I suggest a counter-clockwise rotation for this room, so you can grab the health after killing him the second time. Do the same for the next pool, but do not EVEN think that you had it easy, because at the third pool he comes out of his shell and whips you with tentacles. Keep your distance and dodge like a fiend every time he shoots goop at you. The last two are easy if you keep far away, because all that needs to be done is this: shoot, dodge to the left. Shoot, dodge to the right, shoot, dodge to the left, etc. Then go up into the room in the middle that just opened. Here's where it gets a little tricky. Using the shotgun, strafe around the pool in a big circle and do not stop shooting. You should get hit a couple of times, but if your health is good, it will not matter. After killing him, walk to the pool in the middle.
