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James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire - Trouble In Paradise

Trouble In Paradise - Walkthrough

James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

Trouble In Paradise

Hong Kong: Identicon Research Facility
Level Type: First-Person Shooter
Starting Weapons
  • Wolfram P2K
  • KS7
  • Frinesi
  • SSR4000
  • Grenades
  • MRL-22
  • Q-Decryptor
  • Q-Claw
  • Q-Laser

Target Score: 50,000
Target Time: 5:00
Bond Moves: 7
007 Bonus Tokens: 4


1. Infiltrate research facility, Trouble In Paradise

You begin the mission on a helipad on the Identicon research facility, offshore of Hong Kong. The entrance is right in front of you, but of course the evil scientists do not just leave their doors unlocked. There are two ways to get in.

  1. Go in through the front door. Use the Q-Decryptor on the control panel to the left of the door. Once it is open, head to the right and use the Q-Decryptor again on the second door.
  2. Use the Q-Claw to grapple to the roof. there is a little circular grating above the entrance that can be grappled to. Once on the roof, follow the path to the right and drop down into the structure.

Upon entering the facility, you are greeted by a guard at the front desk. Kill him and continue to the elevator in the next room. Go down and shoot the guard at the desk at the bottom. do not worry about either of these guards setting off the alarm, because it does not result in anything. Behind the desk is a locked gate. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock and go through the glass hallway.

When you leave the glass hallway, you meet up with several guards that duck for cover behind crates. The easiest way to take them all out is to shoot the oil drum on the forklift behind them, creating an immense explosion. Around the corner is a guard hiding behind one of the crates. You can kill him before you approach by shooting the rope holding up a crate above him. When you walk forward, the camera moves around and show that four guards are coming at you from the next hallway. Hide behind one of the crates and shoot them as they turn the corner. Head down the hallway where they came from to enter the research area.

2. Find courier case containing vials, Trouble In Paradise

The guards are now expecting you, and as you enter the research area, they switch the lights off. Stay to the right and approach the back of the room, killing guards as you see them. You can also use the plant containers as cover. Make your way to the back of the area, where you find the vials you are looking for.

3. Rescue CIA agent Zoe Nightshade, Trouble In Paradise

Head through the door right next to the vials and you are inside the submarine pen. As you approach, you have 5 minutes before the submarine launches... and Nightshade is tied up on top. The 5 minutes is more than enough time, though, so do not panic.

Walk across the catwalk and eliminate the sniper (do not forget to pick up his Sniper Rifle). Below you are quite few guards that are not aware of your presence just yet. Use your weapons to blow up a few of the oil drums that are near enemies. Head down the stairs at the end of the catwalk and you are on a ledge overlooking the entire submarine pen. This is a great place to snipe from, so take out any other enemies you see from here.

Continue to the elevator and lower yourself down to the lowest level. There will be more guards hounding you not, but using the Finesi shotgun makes quick work of them. Make your way around the pen to the submarine, and do not forget to use any remaining oil drums to your explosive advantage. When you board the submarine, take out the Q-Laser to cut Zoe's chains and to complete the mission.

4. Bonus Token Locations, Trouble In Paradise

  1. The first token is located on the roof near the beginning. Use the Q-Claw right after the level starts to grapple to the roof, then walk down the rooftop to find the token.
  2. After the first loading sequence in the level (as you go down the first elevator), the next 007 Bonus Token should be in plain view on top of some crates.
  3. Look for the third token in the research area where the lights are out. It is along the left wall.
  4. The last token in the level is at the entrance to the submarine pen. You should spot it to the left of the beginning of the catwalk.

5. Bond Moves, Trouble In Paradise

  1. Open the First Entrance Door

    Use the Q-Decryptor on the entrance door on the helipad to perform the first Bond move.

  2. Q-Claw to the Roof

    Do this move by using the Q-Claw gadget to grapple from the helipad to the grating above the structure.

  3. Open the Second Entrance Door

    You can either open the second door by going in through the first entrance door or by opening it after grappling from the roof. If you want to perform all of the first three Bond moves in one run, you must first open the first door, then Q-Claw to the roof, then open the second door.

  4. Gain Access to the Armory

    In the first room after the first entrance door from the helipad, there is a large door to the left that is locked. This is the armory. The only way to get the keycard to enter it is to sneak up on the first guard (at the desk) and punch him out. Do this by coming in from the roof.

  5. Use the Q-Laser on the Lock

    Behind the desk of the second guard, there is a locked gate. Use the Q-Laser to open it up and to gain this Bond Move bonus.

  6. Fireworks

    As you exit the glass hallway, several guards duck for cover behind some crates. As you approach them, Bond says "Mmm... fireworks," the camera zooming in to an oil drum on the forklift. Shoot the oil drum to kill all three enemies at the same time with the explosion.

  7. Crate Drop

    As you turn the corner after Bond Move 6, there is another enemy hidden from view behind a crate. Surprise him by shooting the rope holding up a heavy crate that is dangling above his head.

6. Body Armor and Hidden Weapons Locations, Trouble In Paradise

A suit of armor can be found behind some crates to the left of the guard that has the crate hanging from a rope above his head (see Bond Move 7).

In the research area where the lights are turned out, as you enter the red-lighted area in the back, there is a guard to the left behind a crate. Also behind the crate is some body armor.

When you go down to the lowest level in the submarine pen, as you enter the open area around the submarine after getting off the elevator, there will be some armor behind a crate to your left.

The last suit of body armor can also be found in the submarine pen. Look for it in the upper left corner (if you are looking at the pen from the elevator leading to the lower level).

You can find some grenades and the MRL-22 in the armory near the level's start. Sneak up on the first guard by coming in from the roof, then knock him out with a punch. If you do this, he drop a keycard. Go into the first room from the helipad, where the armory door is located. Open it up to find the weapons.
