Adult Game

Davenport Games

Microsoft did not make the Original Xbox Game Console, they just put their name on it

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Max Payne - Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell - Walkthrough

Max Payne

Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

1. Prologue, Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

The mickey in the drink has made Max delusional. You begin in the dark surrealistic closet of Max's tormented mind. Enter the hallway and take left turns only to reach Max's living room. Look at the pictures on the wall and over the mantle, make your way upstairs and go through the door to your immediate right, then down the wallpapered hallway.

you are at a trail of blood. Remain on the path, otherwise Max falls into oblivion. Walk across the second broken trail to the left. At the next junction, there is a larger break straight ahead and an unbroken trail to he right — jump straight ahead but be careful not to jump too far, the laws of physics have been suspended. The next junction is similar but with no break. The trail then splits into two parallel paths resembling the letter Y. Take the path on the right.

Enter another green hallway and the baby's room beyond. Look at the baby. Go through the next door, into another hallway, and into Max's reading room. Read Michelle's diary on the table then exit through the door.

2. The Baseball Bat, Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

Max is tied to a chair in the boiler room in the basement of Lupino's hotel. Knock the padlock off the cabinet with the baseball bat and grab the painkillers. Your job is to get weapons and ammo. If you try to bludgeon a goon, or if even one of them sees you, they are all over you like a cheap suit.

Open the door on the opposite wall and peek around to the left to the corridor ahead and listen to the goons talking. Watch three of them patrol from left to right (anti-clockwise around the walls of a large storage area), first one and then a pair about twelve seconds later. As they pass from view, run out into the short hallway, peek around the corner to the right, and watch them disappear down the corridor to the left. Head to the next corner, peek around to the left and watch again. Hug the left wall and follow them when they are about halfway down. When they disappear around the next corner, peek into the partially open overhead door of the storage area — when the goon guarding the door inside looks away momentarily, run to other end of the overhead door, then run across the corridor through the closed door into a small storage room.

The door remains open and other patrolling goons may see you, so as quickly as you can, smash the two crates on the shelves ahead for ammo, then circle the room and grab weapons and some painkillers. If you are unable to pick up everything within, say, fifteen seconds, run to the door and wait for them to pass. Max does not have to hide behind the door, just make sure no part of his body extends beyond the open doorway. As soon as you can, peek to the left through the doorway and watch for another pair of goons. If you see one, simply retreat to the position described above and wait. The idea is to kill as many as possible at once. do not worry about being seen by the guard across the corridor in the large storage area.

Once you launch the attack everything happens fast and there is little time to think. When you spot a pair coming down the corridor, back up and position yourself to throw a grenade (you have two) on the floor directly under the overhead door -- time it so the blast kills the patrolling goons as well as the guard, step to the left to avoid being shot by the guard before the grenade goes off, then line up the shot again and throw the other. Spin around and shoot the small upright propane tank behind you (Max's weapon defaults to the pump shotgun), move to the left for cover near the left wall (continue facing the door), and wait for the upright tank to ignite the tank lying on its side and rocket out the door.

If you are lucky, the grenades and the scooting tank will kill most of the mobsters. Those who are still on they are feet will try to storm the room, so it is shoot-dodge all the way. Try to kill them in the doorway, grab some of their Ingrams, and at all costs avoid diving into the corridor — a latecomer positions himself in the corridor (to the left) and waits with a sawed-off shotgun. When the dust settles, catch your breath, dive out, and finish him off. There should be nine corpses.

Search the large storage room for goodies, then head out the rear door, turn right, and kick open the door near the end of the corridor. Wait for the two thugs to come out, then smoke them. Go into the room, read the newspaper on the floor, and pick up Beretta ammo on the floor along the left wall and in the small crate behind. Head back into the corridor, hang a left, and take the elevator up.

As the door opens, shoot two goons to the left in the brick storage room before they have time to retreat to the shipping area. As you approach the open overhead door, a grenade explodes harmlessly ahead. there is a thug hiding behind the empty meat saw and two more around to the right behind boxes in the meat cutting room. To get their attention, run across and back in front of the open overhead door, then choose a place to nail them when they pursue. there is one more wielding dual Ingrams hiding at the other end of the meat locker. He stays put as you ambush him from the loading dock but chase you if you enter from the meat cutting room. After the last carcass has been tenderized, take the alley to the street, turn left and head for the familiar hotel.

Walk in and listen to three goons gloat over Mona's fate as you approach the Lounge door. Dive in and kill two, or open the door and let them come to you. The third hides at the end of the conference table in the Cabinet room. Listen to the news bulletin on the radio, then catch the thug with his pants down in the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Into the Bar. Frank Niagara and the boys are having a beer. He's forgotten his baseball bat. Take them out from the cover of the wall by the doorway or retreat around the corner by the vending machine. Diving in for all four is not recommended.

If you decide to remain by the door, easily shoot the thug who appears on the other side of the doorway, then be prepared to immediately take out another coming through the door wielding a shotgun. Fade back down the short steps and use your Desert Eagle to pop the head of the guy hiding behind the bar. If you wait by the vending machine, Frankie may eventually come after you. Either way, it is bullet- time. When Niagara falls, quickly grab his Ingrams before the cut scene.

3. An Offer You cannot Refuse, Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

Max teams up with Vladimir and begins searching for the Russian's cargo ship Charon on the Brooklyn riverfront. Kill the goon in the security shed and press the button to open the main gate. Around to the right, two more are guarding the truck loading docks.

Press the button to open the overhead door to Warehouse 4. there is a thug up on the far catwalk and two more down on the floor straight ahead. The no-pain method is to raise the door a few times, wait until it starts closing, then run parallel to it while shooting the two on the floor (the guy on the catwalk tosses a grenade). Then run into the warehouse and take cover behind the stacked pallets in the center, jump up on the pallet behind the central pillar, and smoke the remaining thug. Jump from the pallets to the broken stairs in the corner and grab the goodies at the far end of the catwalk. Notice the painkillers atop the pallets across the room.

Open the door to the right of the forklift and whack the goon outside on the ground, then sneak up on the other hiding in the back of the parked truck. See the red barrel across on the far loading dock? it is the exploding type.

Open the overhead door to Warehouse 5 and run for the cover of the pallets inside and to the left. The thug on the catwalk on the far side fires his Ingram but he is too far away to do any damage — he runs to the corner to the left and pulls out a grenade. The idea is to kill him after he puts the Ingram away but before he throws the grenade. Take the lift up and pull the lever on the yellow control box to move the pallet blocking the door below. As we watch in amazement, the overhead door opens and two goons enter — shoot the one who is running, the other is hiding behind the stacked pallets. Run back along the catwalk until you see him. Take the lift down and exit though the accessible door onto another loading dock and shoot the fool whistling in the dark, walking away from you on the ground to the right.

Get his shotgun and as you round the cargo container on your left, kill another thug ahead in the light. As you continue toward the crane, another comes a-runnin' followed by two of his buddies. Pop them as they approach single file or remember the red barrel by the exit door in Warehouse 5, run back inside, take cover behind the fallen stairs, and shoot the barrel as two come through the door. Return to the lighted area for the third, then grab the supplies in the tent to the right.

Observe how you are going to get that red shipping container out of your path. Jump up on the crane, but before you enter the cab, turn around and notice the building behind you across the yard. When you pull the lever a sniper appears on the second story catwalk and positions himself to the right of the door. Also, two goons run out through the opening under the now-suspended container. Walk around on top of the crane to get an idea where Max needs to stand to avoid the fire of the sniper. Standing up here to kill the goons is a lot easier and no worries about getting shot in the back while wrestling with them on the ground. Taking out the sniper is optional.

Run under the container and we forgot to set the brake on the crane. Shoot the thug approaching in the alley between the containers, then hook around to the right and size up the situation. there is another container blocking the path and that yellow hoist is going to move it out of the way, but how do we get the damn thing going? As you approach, it roars to life and speeds forward, picks up the cargo, then roars back to the end of the long alley (Aisle 3) and crashes.

Seems the bored operator has been drinking, but he is of no concern to us. You have two choices: a) See the lighted doorway on the left beyond the hoist? You can run under the machine and take cover there (it is a small shed with supplies) and watch up close as it crashes, or b) Let it pass over you and while it is lifting the container, run back to the short alley from which you entered and watch up close as it hoists. Either way, two goons come gunning for you through the now-unblocked Aisle 3.

When the night returns to the sound of foghorns and seagulls, there is a thug with a grenade in a short alley to the right beyond the stacked crates as you continue. Depending on how you play it, get either his grenade or Ingram. As you hook around to the right, another container hoist in the Aisle 2 roars to life it is not going to run you over. Use the crates on either side of the alley for cover and take out the operator. When he is down, the cargo raises and two thugs run from a cross alley beyond to the left and position themselves underneath. The first attacks when he sees you and the other moves closer. As you pass under the hoist, two more come running out from the same short dark alley — use the front of the hoist for cover. As you turn into the short alley, yet another fires with a sawed-off.

Peek around to the left into Aisle 1 and two goons spot you. One attacks and his grenade-toting pal retreats into a short alley to the right with a raised automated bridge at the end. Let the grenade guy go for the moment, and wait for the other to come after you. As you continue down Aisle 1, stop and listen to a thug mistaking Max for Rico Muerte — the first gray shipping container on the left is being used as a shed and the unsuspecting thug will be out shortly. Take the sniper rifle and read the letter on the table.

As you round the next alley to the right, two goons patrol in front of a warehouse beyond a barge moored in a narrow canal. however you decide to handle it, do NOT fall into the water: Max will drown instantly. Head toward the warehouse and shoot the padlock on the gate and grab the goodies inside. The overhead door does not open and you cannot use the rowboat. See the semi trailer parked behind the fence and the CAUTION SIGNS posted on the walls? Shoot the wheel block and watch the trailer roll and crash into the raised bridge.

As you return across the barge, two thugs appear from the left in Aisle 1 (do not fall in the water while dodging them), then get ready for two more at the far end of Aisle 1. Stay in the alley and get the first one is attention and wait for him to round the corner. Ditto for the second. Yet another is hiding in the alley leading to the bridge.

When you step onto the collapsed half of the bridge, a goon opens the door just beyond the AUTOMATED BRIDGES sign to the right. Another may appear from the warehouse door at the end of the alley. Go through the near door into the office and look at the surveillance monitor to the right of the first aid cabinet. Press the button by the door and grab the supplies in the small storage room, then cap the thug entering the office as you leave and head for the distant door.

4. With Rats and Oily Water, Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

Ahead in the warehouse are stacks of bundled cardboard cartons. Beyond, high atop a shipping container, is a sentry with his back to you and the moment you take a step he turns around and starts firing. Ignore him for the moment, dash around the right side of the bundled cartons, and dive to whack a goon who approaches from the corridor behind the cartons. do not dive down the corridor; otherwise the sentry will hit you. Continue to the other side of the warehouse and grab all the supplies off the shelves.

Grab the Sniper Rifle. Peek through the narrow opening between the gray shipping container and the steel column at the thug down at the far end under the ramp to the catwalk. Step into the breach, zoom the scope to maximum, nudge to the right so that the muzzle of his weapon is hidden behind the edge of the crate, and squeeze the trigger. Woohoo! The sentry's next. Walk to the narrow opening between the stacked wooden crates and the red shipping containers and locate his head. When he sees you he starts firing, but his gun is too low to cause any damage. Zoom the scope and if he crouches, wait until his head pops up again, then let him have it between the eyes.

The sniper rifle is deadly accurate, but using the scope to shoot through very narrow slits can be tricky. If you do not hit the target with the first shot, notice the hole of the slug, make adjustments, then fire another round. Also, you find that the wavering of the scope's cross hairs is reduced when shooting from a crouched position.

Go back and take a look at the corridor behind the bundled cartons. When you enter, two goons appear. one behind the shelving ahead, then another on the cross catwalk above it. Rush in guns a-blazin', the one on the catwalk throws a grenade, but it falls well behind you, or retreat and take them out individually. Snipe Mr. Catwalk from behind the pillar closest to the forklift, then move in with something more conventional for Mr. Shelving.

As you pass the dark end of the red shipping container toward the open area under the long catwalk, dash back for cover when you hear the clink of a grenade. Head out into the open area and run around the stacked crates to the left and whack the thug behind the column ahead, then take cover from another who has run up onto the catwalk.

Catch your breath and hook around to the left at the end of the building, find the shelves, and stock up on supplies. The shelves are on the same wall as you entered the warehouse. Too bad there is no vending machine on this end. Snipe the thug on the catwalk across the warehouse, but do it quickly as he can hit you through the space between the shipping containers and the column. Crouch behind the container, zoom the scope, inch to the right, and let him have it before he sees you and starts firing.

Head up the ramp to the catwalk, smoke the goon who comes out the door to the left of the obstructing crate, then make your way around the catwalk. The tallest red shipping container (the only one stacked three high) is open at both ends, so if you need shotguns or painkillers, you can reach it from the crates stacked four high.

Proceed to the end of the catwalk, bump open the door, and step away. Outside, beyond a small platform high above the huge well-lit shipping yard, an enormous container lift on rails roars to life and lumbers toward the warehouse. When it stops, dive through the door, kill the operator and hop on. More sniper ammo. Four levers mounted on consoles control the direction, so put it in gear and get this thing moving.

When it stops at the rail intersection, shoot the guard in the tower far ahead and to the right of the tracks, then turn your attention and rifle to the other in the tower to the left (right of the crane). Rumble toward the crane and the waterfront, and when the lift stops, shoot both guards in the towers at either end of the rails. Send the lift toward the near tower by the warehouse you just vacated, and as you hop onto the tower, get ready to shoot three goons down on the rails between the two intersections. Before you move down to the far tower, collect the painkillers and sniper rifle.

Same thing happens when you hop onto the far tower. two goons fire from the intersection rails. They are close enough to do some damage, so go to work quickly. Grab the guard's stuff and move the lift around to the last accessible guard tower. Again, two more thugs run out and take up positions in front of and on either side of the container lying on the rails. Before you head through the door of the building, make sure you have all the sniper rifle ammo you can carry. there should be five rounds in the clip plus fifteen more in your pocket.

Put the rifle away and choose something suitable for medium range. Bust through the door into the warehouse, run down the catwalk to the left, drop down onto the crates at the end, then drop to the floor. there is no advantage up there. Stay behind the crates and cap the first fool that attacks, then the second. Two more run out from left to right across the far catwalk, so run down your side of the building and wait for them to come down the ramp, then whack 'em one-at-a-time as they cross over.

In the opposite corner is a fenced-off room with a locked gate. Sneak up on the goon inside and shoot him through the wire mesh, then run up the ramp behind you and down to the far end of the catwalk. As you approach the door, another runs out. Go into the small room and look out the window at the ship you have been searching for the Charon. Cap the unsuspecting thug on board directly ahead, then press the button by the door to unlock the gate, and get ready to for two more goons coming down the catwalk. do not wait in the room. as soon as the cut scene is over, bolt down the catwalk and dive at the first one, ditto for the second.

Return to the fenced-off room, grab stuff you need, and get ready to set sail. Kick open the door and meet two thugs patrolling the dock to the left. they chase you back through the warehouse if both see you. Regardless, one comes in. If you run out and smoke them where they stand, be careful not to slide off into the East River.

Head up the gangplank and as you set foot in the ship, get ready for a thug making an appearance from behind the stacked red shipping containers to the left. If you did not killed the one by the door to the bridge, you could have climbed up the cables of the crane and taken him out from there. A crazed thug fires ahead from the port side of the bridge deck as you step into the shadow of the containers and another appears from the corridor to the left as you round the corner. Grab the goodies on the crate on the starboard side, then head up the ramp to the bridge, wax the goon inside, and answer the phone. Or are you still itching to use that sniper rifle? If so, do not kill the goon on the bridge, just activate him first by walking up either ramp and noticing that he is there. Head back to the crane, face the stern, jump up and carefully climb the right cable it is slippery and check though the scope until you see his head and shoulders through the window.

Back on the bridge, open the door and step aside and the sailor down below may blow himself up with a grenade. shoot him if he does not, then jump down the stairs and shoot another to the left. there is a third on the landing below, then take out two more at the bottom with a grenade.

When you open the door on the right, Boris Dime stands at the far end of the engine room. Spray him and the wall behind him with bullets to ignite the propane tanks, then toss a grenade just beyond the boiler to kill the three mates. Max is quite vulnerable standing in the doorway, so it is best to step sideways to the right, up the stairs, between shots. Boris lobs a Molotov cocktail and fires a sawed-off shotgun. When you kill the mates, he comes after you. shoot him repeatedly with the sniper rifle, no scope necessary. It takes about four well-placed slugs to bring him down.

Getting low on painkillers? Wondering how far he chases you? To the bridge. Yes, you can take out Boris from the crane just like the others. Locate his head and put a few sniper rifle slugs through it. If he stands near the door so that his vision of the bow is blocked, you are home free. Climb a single cable until you get near the top where the footing becomes more stable.

When Boris is down, return to the engine room, head for the far right corner, and open the door. Vladimir was telling the truth. Collect all the loot. Colt Commandos complete your arsenal and return to the stairway.

5. Put Out My Fires With Gasoline, Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

Max has been double-crossed. Punchinello's restaurant is booby-trapped. Trip wires set off a series of explosions and the place is engulfed in flames. it is all or nothing. One wrong move, one hesitation and Max's goose is cooked. No shoot-dodge or bullet-time here, nothin' fancy. Stay focused, keep moving, run the shortest line between two points.

You want to go through the barely visible double doors on the opposite wall of the luncheon room, beyond and to the right of the dimly lit lunch counter. Take a deep breath, then run to the right, turn left down the aisle between the booths, and head for the doors. Run through the kitchen aiming for another set of double doors on the left side of the opposite wall.

Turn right in the storage room and head down the aisle between the first and second racks of shelving (the columns will be on your right) to the door on the far wall in the right corner. The room bursts into flames and the shelving begins to fall domino-style, but just concentrate on making it to the door.

Burst through the door, turn right, and run down the middle of the burning hallway then left through the inferno into the first ornate dining area. Keep to the middle of the room and head toward the hallway on the opposite wall.

Turn left in the hallway, then right into the second dining room hugging the wall on your left as an explosion rocks the foundation. Run straight ahead along the wall and execute a single well-timed jump over the low tables and continue to the staircase at the other end of the room.

Take a left up the stairs, a right on the landing, another right up the rest of the stairs, run almost to the end of the hallway and barge through the door on the left, then head diagonally through the exploding office to another door in the far corner.

Turn right and hug the right wall of a short tiled hallway as it ignites and tall pastry carts topple. As you approach the left turn into a pantry, avoid the extended part of the industrial-sized ductwork in the corner directly ahead as an exploding propane tank knocks over more pastry carts. Cut the corner with a diagonal jump to the left, then immediately jump over the flaming pastry carts to the double doors directly ahead on the near wall and burst into another kitchen.

The kitchen is not on fire. There is a goon at the other end. You can fry his butt two ways. the usual, or dive left to the end of the island counter and shoot the valve of the propane tank lying on its side which explodes at the top of the stairwell where the goon is hiding. Have a look around, and pick up supplies.

See the dumbwaiter in the corner to the right of the stairwell? Two more goons are in the basement patiently waiting for their now deceased friend to finish tossing a salad. Toss a grenade in the dumbwaiter.

Head to the far right corner to the basement and jump through the trapdoor into the sewer. Three thugs are waiting on the catwalk to the left, with two more behind them. If you are not already wet, get down into the water and continue through the sewer and smoke two more at the next turn, then two more guarding the stairs. Go up the stairs and through the door.

6. Angel of Death, Part 2: A Cold Day in Hell

you are in Angelo Punchinello's manor at the top of the stairs leading to the cellar. Go down and through the door on the left and examine the body. Shoot the gas cans to dispatch the first thug coming though the other doorway. Painkillers are in a box on the shelf opposite the doorway. Then dive into the concrete passageway and take care of the other two. At the end of the corridor is a door to a small room containing a thug and more painkillers.

As you enter the boiler room a thug sprays his Ingram and a braggart with a shotgun announces he's comin' to get ya! Make him real sorry. Beyond the boiler on the left, opposite the shelves, is a wine cellar with two goons on the left. Dive in sideways and cap 'em. Make for the stairs and through the door into the kitchen.

A henchman announces your arrival and flees through the door. Pick up supplies, read Mrs. Punchinello's tarot cards, and follow him into the dining room. Pilate "Big Brother" Providence and two of his two bodyguards are waiting behind an overturned table. it is all shoot-dodge in here. Take out Providence, center, first. Gotta love that Colt Commando. Hearing the commotion, two more thugs run in from the kitchen.

Head back to the kitchen, side-dive through the other door into the Display room, and shoot the goon hiding behind a display case to the left. Someone up on the far balcony fires a single wild shot and flees. there is plenty of time to line up a move to drill the third guy on the balcony directly above the first goon.

On to the Music room where a thug is hiding behind the large potted plant to the left, about the middle of the wall. Plant some large caliber lead in his heart so he does not damage the piano, then stroll over and play a few bars of the Max Payne theme.

One of the two goons hiding behind the bar in the far left corner of the next room tosses a grenade. If you open the double doors and quickly sidestep against the wall out of their view, the grenade goes off harmlessly in the Bar room. One of the goons then rushes through the door. If the other does not follow, he is in the far right corner.

The next set of double doors leads to the manor's ornate foyer and a thug is standing atop one of the massive fluted newel posts on the far side of the grand staircase's landing. Run in and duck for cover to the right. A second thug hiding on the other side of the staircase eventually ascends to take up a position on the balcony to the left of the first. You might be able to pop him on the way up, but he's quick and throws a grenade. Simply run a wide arc around the front of the stairs and duck out of sight under the far balcony. Pick off the first baddie with a sideways dive toward the front of the room, then walk back directly under the second and terminate him with a back dive. Yes, gotta love that Colt Commando.

Run up the stairs and head to the door directly over the one from which you entered the foyer. Inside is Joe "Deadpan" Salem and a couple of bodyguards spread out across the wall to the right. Try to get between them so they get caught in the crossfire. Leaving this room alive requires lots of fancy footwork and painkillers and many Max's died taking these guys out. Two down, one to go. there is another bottle of pills in the small table against the wall.

As you open the door to exit this room, a thug runs back through the door on the opposite balcony announcing your presence. The yonder door remains open long enough to cap the loudmouth with a few well- placed rounds from the Colt Commando. One less goon to deal with up close. Run around the balconies to the locked door and eavesdrop on their plan: to end your career with an M-79 grenade launcher. Take a few steps to the right to avoid the blast and then take your pick. You can dive into the room and nail the guy with the heavy artillery or run back to Joe's door and casually take him out with the scoped sniper rifle. Either way, proceed into the room and blow the nose of the sissy hiding behind the bed to the left.

Grab the M-79 and the ammo, dive into the bathroom, and give the wimp a blood bath. Before grabbing the painkillers from the first aid cabinet, waste the guy who rushes in from the opposite door. Go into the next room, examine the female body on the bed, then answer the phone.

When you open the door to the right of the phone, you are greeted by Vince Mugnaio across on a balcony on the other side of the room. He's going to retreat through the door in the far right corner to join his two bodyguards. Divided they fall, so take out Vince now. A full clip from the Colt Commando or three rounds from the sniper rifle will do the trick. When he is down, head into the room and finish off the others. Both shotgun-toting goons are positioned at the right wall. The first in the near corner, the other about two-thirds the way down.

The Trio's boss, Punchinello, is in the next room unarmed and tries to bargain his way out of the predicament. Three men in black suits and Colt Commandos come rushing in. Forget about Punchinello. Concentrate on the men in black until they are no longer moving.
