Davenport Games

A huge step up from the SNES in looks and playability

Perfect Dark #11 - 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection

1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection - Walkthrough

Perfect Dark #11

1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection

Perfect Dark 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection map



1. Gain entrance to laboratory

Nice and easy, all you need to do is get down to the ground floor and find the elevator leading to the underground lab. Once the mission begins, jump down off the helipad and head down to the roof door. Blast the guard here if he sees you, otherwise knock him out from behind. Head into the building, then as you reach the top of the ramp leading down, there is a guard right around the corner so get ready to blast him.

On Agent one shot from the CMP150 is enough to knock them down so this should be easy. Head down to the next door and head down the stairs. You will now be on the same floor as Cassandra's office. As soon as you enter the floor, call the elevator to your left and wait for it to appear. Jump in and head down to the ground floor.

Once there, rush out of the elevator and fly down the stairs. Go left and head through the door there. A few guards in the next smaller room will greet you, just rush past them, go right around the corner and part of the wall in front of you will open. Rush in and activate the elevator on the right to finish the mission.

Special Agent

1. Disable internal security hub

Before you jump off the helipad, look down to the corner near the door leading inside, you should see the security camera there. Shoot it twice to destroy it, then jump down and head for the door. Inside, look left and you will spot another camera on the far wall. Destroy it and head down the ramp, blasting the guard as you go. Once at the bottom, take out an ECM Mine and walk to the left, you should easily see the security hub up on the wall. Aim and throw the mine so it lands on the hub to complete objective 1.

2. Obtain keycode necklace

Once the hub's disabled, head down to Cassandra's office. Once you are outside the large door, make sure all the guards on this floor are gone. Head into her office and switch to pistol whip or unarm. Knock Cassandra out before she alerts security and grab her necklace, but make sure that you do not kill her or her secretary, otherwise the mission will fail.

3. Disable external comms hub

With that over with, head out of her office and call either of the two elevators up. Once one arrives, go in and head down to the ground floor. Once you reach the foyer, blast the guards that appear and head down the stairs, then go through the door on the right to find the security room. Blast the three guards here and take out another ECM Mine. The hub is on the left wall down near the floor, so crouch down to get a better aim. Once the mine's attached, you will have completed objective 3.

4. Gain entrance to laboratory

Head out of the security room and go over to the other door leading to the lab elevator. Open the door and rush around the wall on the right, ignoring the guards if you wish. The wall panel ahead will automatically open, rush in and open the elevator on the right to finish the mission.

Perfect Agent

1. Disable internal security hub

Shoot out the camera below near the door before you jump down, then quickly blast the guard before he sees you. Head down and go through door. This time there'll be two cameras in the roof level, the first one is on the other end of the room, the second one is just to the left of the guard at the top of the ramp. Blast the guard and destroy both cameras. Head down to the comms hub and plant a mine there for objective 1.

2. Obtain keycode necklace

Head down the stairs to Cassandra's office, and use the CMP150's lock-on function to easily blast any guards, this way you will not waste ammo; ammo is very precious on PA. Blast the guard standing next to the desk near the office door, then look down at the desk and press B to activate the small button on the desk to unlock the office door. Head in and knock out Cassandra to grab her necklace and complete objective 2.

3. Download project files

You will need to be very sneaky now to avoid confronting too many guards on the two floors below. Head over to the stairs and go down to the next floor. Blast any guards patrolling, but try to avoid alerting too many guards, if they appear, run back into the stairs and wait there and blast them as they appear at the door. Once it is safe to proceed, head out and go down toward other side on the elevators, then head around the corner and make sure no guards are here. Just around the corner of the elevator is a camera, quickly shoot it before the alarm goes off. Go back to the stairs and head down to the lower floor.

Blast any patrolling guards, then head around to the back of the elevators. Go through the door at the end of the hallway, then shoot the camera to the left. Go down the hallway lining the windows, and make sure you blast the guard in the first room on the left, as he has two Falcon 2's, so he can easily put an end to your mission. Once he is gone, walk up to the other door and wait there. You will hear a phone ringing from inside, and a man will begin talking. Wait for him to hang up and open the door. He will be startled and will run, just get close to him and Joanna will order him to access the files for you. Follow him to the elevator but do not shoot him. If you let him run off, he will either run to some guards or he will go over to the small room near the elevators and hide there. If he does, you can then grab the Laptop Gun in the room, but you can still beat the mission without it.

Once you reach the upper floor, he will walk around to the back behind the dead camera. He will then go into the room at the end of the corridor and will begin logging on to the computer on the desk. Once he says, Right, I'm in, quickly knock him out before he deletes the files. Once he is out take out the Data Uplink and hack into the terminal to complete objective 3.

4. Disable external comms hub

You now need to head down to the foyer. Head around to the elevators and use either one to get down to the ground floor. Crouch down in the elevator so that you can get out of it once it lands without being seen by the two guards standing by the main entrance. Crawl out and take out the CMP150, with the lock-on function active. Head over to the top of the stairs and start alerting the guards. They will slowly come up the stairs, stay crouched and you should easily be able to pop them before they can hit you.

You have to knock down several guards before they stop coming, once they are gone, head down to the right to the security room. Open the door and quickly blast the two guards in front of you. Remember, if you can pull off a head shot it really helps. After the three guards are down, plant a mine on the security hub to complete objective 4.

5. Gain entrance to laboratory

you are nearly done, head back into the foyer and go over to the other door in the corner. Open it and blast any guards you see, but more will come around the corner inside, so back out of there and wait for them to come out before firing. Once they are gone, head in and activate the elevator behind the sliding panel to finish the mission.

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 01.

Get down to the top of the building by way of this ramp.

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 02.

Watch out for the sneaky cameras watching your every move

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 03.

Plant the ECM Mine in this red-hot corner

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 04.

Get ready for the welcoming committee

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 05.

Teach this guy to always watch his back

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 06.

Pay Cassandra a visit (but do not shoot her or you will fail).

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 07.

Take the stairs when the elevators do not work

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 08.

Traverse these corridors carefully

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 09.

Keep an eye out for guards hiding around corners and doors

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 10.

Show this double-slinger how it is done (and nab his second Falcon 2)

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 11.

You need this fella alive if you want to proceed.

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 12.

Persuade him to help you out. Two guns should do the trick.

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 13.

Once he is logged on knock him out and hack the terminal

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 14.

Ride the elevator down to the enemy-infested foyer

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 15.

Take the main stairs carefully - there is trouble afoot

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 16.

Take cover and keep moving against these tricky adversaries

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 17.

Here is where you need to plant the second ECM Mine

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 18.

Head toward the lab elevator past this sliding wall

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 19.

Here is exactly where you need to be. Open the door to finish

Perfect Dark Mission 1.1. dataDyne Central - Defection 20.

All in a day's work for this Perfect Agent


   *Complete dataDyne Defection to Skedar Ruins on Agent to unlock.
  **Complete dataDyne Defection to Skedar Ruins on Special Agent to unlock.
 ***Complete dataDyne Defection to Skedar Ruins on Perfect Agent to unlock.
****Complete all Carrington Institute Training scenarios to unlock.