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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Stealth-based action game

Gameplay & Walkthroughs

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Nav Banner Mission Walkthoughs Weapons and Gadgets Basics Introduction
  • Developer: Retro Studios
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Game Rating: T (Teen) [Blood and Gore, Violence]
  • Published Date:April 8, 2003
  • $49.99 / $7.99 EB Games
  • Players: 1
  • 480p, Dolby Pro Logic II


By Jon Robinson and Kaiser Hwang

You are Sam Fisher, activated operative of top-secret government organization Third Echelon. CIA agents Blaustein and Madison have gone missing in the Georgian capital of T'Bilisi, and your job is find the missing agents and assess the situation.You are to leave no trace of your existence on the physical or political map. If you are found, your existence is denied.You are a Splinter Cell.

Splinter Cell is one of the year's most anticipated titles and with good reason. Its revolutionary lighting system, in-depth story, and detailed gameplay puts Splinter Cell in the upper (excuse the pun) echelon of stealth-based action games. One of the things to note about this game is that every obstacle you come across can be approached in a different manner.The walkthrough found in this guide proposes only one of many different ways to tackle a situation.There is no right way to play this game so try every approach you can think of — you may be surprised at what works!

Get ready to play through one of the best games of the year.Remember to move silently, stay in the shadows, and do not forget to hide those bodies! Realism is the key here, so think like a Splinter Cell and do your country proud.


Before you toss yourself into the highly immersive worlds of Metroid Prime, there are a few things you should familiarize yourself with; controls, using the HUD, navigating the map, examining downloaded Log Book data, awareness of 3D space and using the Hint system are aspects you must have a solid understanding of.


  • Move Sam: Left Analog Stick
  • Move Camera: Right Analog Stick
  • Mantling: Y
  • Climbing: Simply walk up to the object or jump onto it.
  • Close Attack: L when near enemy
  • Back to Wall: A
  • Shimmying: Press Y to jump up and grab ledge. You can then move left or right using the Left Analog stick. Press down or Triangle to let go.
  • Zip Line: To use a zip line, stand under it and press Y to jump up and grab it.
  • Pipe Shimmy: Press Y to jump up and grab a pipe. Press up on the Left Analog Stick to move forward. Press down on the Left Analog Stick to move backwards. While moving, press X to pull legs up onto pipe.
  • Rolling: Press and hold X while running
  • Wall Jump: When near a wall, press Y. At the peak of your jump, press Y again to kick off of the wall and jump higher.
  • Split Jump: While in a narrow corridor, perform a Wall Jump. At the peak of your Wall Jump, press and hold Triangle to perform a Split Jump. Press Y again to get down.
  • Drop Attack: You can fall on top of an enemy to knock him out.
  • Quiet Landing: Press Circle while landing to land quietly.
  • Open Door: Stand in front of it and press A.
  • Door Peek: While opening a door, press left on the Left Analog Stick while holding A.
  • Rappelling: Walk up to object you want to rappel down and press A.
  • Thermal Vision: Press left on the directional pad.
  • Grab Enemy: Sneak up from behind and press A. Press R while grabbing enemy to knock them out.
  • Draw Weapon: Tap/Hold R halfway.
  • Fire Weapon: Click R all the way in.

Basic Tips

We will cover tactics for individual missions in the walkthrough section of this guide. However, here are some rudimentary tips that will help keep you safe right off the bat:

  • Always crouch when moving around. You still move pretty quickly, and you never know when there is an enemy around to hear you moving those sexy legs of yours.
  • Spare your ammo. Additional ammo is hard to come by, so only shoot the lights and enemies that you have to. It really sucks to get close to the end of a level with zero bullets left, only to find out that you have to shoot out some lights.
  • Always hide bodies! This is very important in this game. Not only can bodies in the open be found, but if unconscious bodies are woken up, you will have that many more enemies to deal with. If you cannot find a dark place to put the body, try shooting out some lights to create shadows.
  • Your items and weapons do not carry over between missions so do not be afraid to use them.
  • Use the camera to look around corners and other hard to see places. you will be surprised how much you can see just by rotating the camera around.

GBA Connectivity

On the Cube, Sam Fisher does not have to tread through the seedy underworld alone. Players that own a Game Boy Advance system and a GCN-GBA link cablecan plug into an unused controller socket on the Cube to get an advantage over the competition. The tiny handheld screen will instantly boot up as atop-down, 2D map and radar, allowing Sam to get a birds-eye view of his immediate surroundings and nearby enemy threats (such as guards and cameras)within the circular field of view.

Press the B button to expand the range of the circular radar, and then use the control pad to scroll the map in any direction as the circle slowly con tracts. If an enemy threat is detected within the circle, the GBA will emit an alarming beep to give an audible warning. Keep the GBA volumecranked as you play and be sure to listen for beeps as you approach doorways and corners — a camera or soldier could be lurking on the other side!Thankfully, the GBA gives Cube players the extra alert.

On some missions, having the GBA plugged in will also grant Sam access to anew, GCN-exclusive weapon: the sticky bomb. Just fire the weapon at an enemy or wall, and then press the GBA's A button to detonate it at any time.This weapon comes in very handy for setting ambushes and traps, so do not beshy about plugging in those GBAs — take advantage of it!

Weapons and Gadgets

SC-20K M.A.W.S. (Modular Assault Weapon System)

The bullpup configuration of this assault rifle makes it light and compact without sacrificing firepower (5.56x45mm ss109). Its modular configuration allows it to be customized to fit any mission profile. Equipped with a flash/sound suppresser and combined with a multipurpose launcher, the SC-20K becomes the obvious choice of weaponry for Sam when infiltrating enemy territory.

The SC-20K supports both semi-automatic and automatic fire. To manual reload press the white button or you can just wait for it to auto-reload when the clip is empty. Another feature of the SC-20K is its sniper scope. By pressing Y after you have equipped the gun, you can use the scope to hit distant targets with great accuracy. The targeting reticule will shift while aiming, but you can hold Sam's breath by pressing in the left trigger to help steady it for a limited amount of time.

Also, you can use the SC-20K's Multipurpose Launcher by equipping the desired projectile and pulling the left trigger to shoot. You cannot use the sniper scope when use the launcher.

Ring Airfoil Projectile

A high-impact, zero penetration projectile designed to incapacitate rather than kill. Head shots are much more effective than body shots. The best way to use these is to shoot an enemy with it, then quickly run up to them and knock them out while they are stunned. You can also stun enemies then grab them while they are stunned, in case you need to interrogate them.

Lock Pick

Standard set of picks, wrenches, and probes for bypassing stand cylinder locks. Some locks will require only two pins to be released, while others may have up the six. More pins usually means what's behind the door is more important.

Sticky Camera

A miniature camera with full pan and zoom functionality, plus night and thermal vision modes. The Sticky Camera feeds its images directly to Sam's OPSAT. Ideal for advance scouting and intelligence gathering. Sticky Cams are reusable.

These are good to use in areas where you cannot see what's going on without revealing yourself. Remember that when using a Sticky Cam, Sam cannot move, so be sure to be a safe, dark place. Also, make sure you launch the Sticky Cam in a place where you can easily retrieve it.

Sticky Shocker

A high-voltage discharge device coated in adhesive resin. The Sticky Shocker will adhere to an enemy and give him an incapacitating shock. Also, because it delivers an electrical charge, the Sticky Shocker can be fired into a pool of water instead of directly at an enemy. A great way to take out multiple enemies.

Gas Grenade

Standard CS (0-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) gas canister grenade can incapacitate groups of enemies. Exposure to CS gas causes violent respiratory seizure. Prolonged exposure causes unconsciousness.

Because the gas cloud is so large, use the Gas Grenade when there are a lot of enemies in an enclosed area, but make sure to keep your distance. Get too close and your health will start to drain. You can equip your thermal goggles to see through the gas cloud to make sure all the enemies are down. Also, remember that the grenade tends to bounce a little after it hits the ground, so try and compensate for it when aiming.

Distraction Camera

An adaptation of the Sticky Camera. The Distraction Camera has had its pan and zoom motors as well as its vision enhancement apparatus replaced with a noisemaker and a CO2 gas canister. The device can be triggered to attract enemies with sound and then dispense a cloud of incapacitating gas when they are nearby.

The Distraction Camera is best used when you must get past a guard. Shoot the camera at a vertical surface and use the noisemaker to lure the guard. Because its gas cloud is relatively small, it is best used against single enemies. Also, the closer the gas is the enemies face, the better it will work so aim the camera at heights close to the enemies heads. You can reuse a Distraction Camera, but only its noisemaker function. The gas function only works once. If you do pick up a used one, it will be the first one launched. This comes in handy when you only need a noisemaker and want to save your gas-enabled cameras for later.

SC Pistol

The SC Pistol tactical model with single-action trigger and a 20-round magazine comes equipped with a silencer/flash suppressor. Its 5.72x28mm rounds offer good penetration against modern body armor, while keeping the weapon's weight, dimensions, and recoil at reasonable levels.

A great weapon for taking out lights and single enemies that you have targeted. A couple shots to the head usually does the trick. Because the fire rate is so slow, do not use this weapon in any sort of firefight.

Laser Microphone T.A.K. (Tactical Audio Kit)

A laser-operated microphone integrated in the SC Pistol that enables the user to read the vibration off certain surfaces (mainly glass windows). Used to listen in on conversations. Make sure Sam is in a safe place when using the Laser Microphone because while using it, he is vulnerable to attack.

Camera Jammer

The Camera Jammer emits microwave pulses that disrupt the characteristic signals used in the microcircuitry of surveillance cameras. The Camera Jammer operates off of a capacitor that must be allowed to recharge from its battery after a short time.

Optic Cable

This flexible cable/camera can easily be slipped under doors to view the other side. Complete with night vision enhancement. it is always a good idea to check behind a closed door, especially if you hear activity behind it.

Disposable Pick

Unconventional lock picks, these microexplosive-shaped charges deliver a quick impact to any standard lock cylinder that will shatter the pins and unlock the door. These come in handy when you do not have time to use the normal lock pick, and must open a door in a hurry.

Night Vision Headset

Night Vision goggles amplify very low existing light, especially lights at the lower end of the infrared spectrum. Make sure to watch your stealth meter when using night vision because it can be difficult to tell what is dark and what is light.

Thermal Vision Headset

Similar to Night Vision, Thermal vision is an essential tool in low light situations. This technology differs from Night Vision in that it captures the upper level of the infrared light spectrum, which is emitted as heat rather than reflected as light. Best used to see through gas clouds, and also to see what numbers were pressed on a keypad.


Some objects, like grenades, flares, or other miscellaneous objects in the world, can be thrown. To throw an object, equip it and press the X button. A series of reticules on screen will show your aiming trajectory. Use the Right Thumbstick to aim and the Left Trigger to flatten or arch the trajectory. Pull the Right Trigger to throw the object or the X button again to abort the throw.

Wall Mine

The Wall Mine is a motion-sensitive explosive device that can be attached to almost any surface. To deactivate and pick up a wall mine, wait for the green light before picking it up. Also, be careful to remember where you set the mines so you do not accidentally blow yourself up. It really does not feel that good.

Chemical Flare

Chemical Flares are lightweight plastic sticks filled with a binary chemical agent. When the inner containers are cracked, the chemical agents mix, causing the stick to glow. Useful for attracting and distracting enemies.

Frag Grenade

The 14-ox M67 fragmentation grenade consists of a 2.5" steel sphere surrounding 6.5 ounces of high explosive. Upon detonation, the steel sphere shatters, emitting a burst of high-velocity shrapnel. Best used for groups of enemies. You can also bank the grenade off walls. Just make sure it goes around a wall and not back at you!

Medical Kit

Standard first-aid kit that will restore about 20% of your health.

Bullet Box

Find it to retrieve 30 rounds of ammo for either the SC Pistol, or the SC-20K.

Coke Cans and Glass Bottles

You can find these all over the different levels. you will mainly use them to distract/lure an enemy by throwing it and creating a noise. Be careful when using a glass bottle - The broken glass created after you throw it makes lots of noise when you walk on it.



By Greg Kasavin, GameSpotPosted Apr 4, 2003 4:39 pm PT

Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher is as cool as they come. That acclaim means many have already heard about Splinter Cell and just want to know exactly how the new GameCube version differs from other versions. In short, the GameCube version is similar to the Xbox and PC releases, but it isn't quite as impressive from a technical standpoint in direct comparison. The graphics are less detailed, the frame rate is slightly less consistent, the lighting effects aren't as pronounced, and the whole game is a little rough around the edges. Splinter Cell's original nine missions have been translated more or less intact here, though they've been chopped up into smaller pieces and in some cases truncated, making the game feel a bit disjointed what with its fairly frequent loading times. The downloadable level available for the Xbox via the Xbox Live service isn't in this version of the game, nor is the new level exclusively made for the PS2 version. The minimal blood effects seen in the Xbox and PC versions of Splinter Cell have also been completely removed, for some reason. The entire game is a little easier. There are fewer guards and more health packs in some cases, and an onscreen indicator keeps you informed of how many times you can be caught by an alarm without failing your mission.

Additionally, this version of Splinter Cell replaces the Xbox version's unimpressive in-engine cutscenes with better-looking prerendered cutscenes, and the completely redone intro does a better job of setting the stage. And while the new cutscenes aren't frequent, they do help tie together Splinter Cell's otherwise disparate scenarios. it is also worth noting that those who've already played Splinter Cell on the Xbox or PC will find that the story and the levels in Splinter Cell for the GameCube take a few short detours. There are enough little changes that hard-core Splinter Cell fans would do well to give the GameCube version a shot, though they'd probably prefer the PS2 version, with its new mission. The GameCube version does have a connectivity feature using the Game Boy Advance, which mostly just grants you access to a handy overhead map that reveals enemy positions; and, only on the GameCube, Fisher has access to a sticky bomb device that stuns foes. But it sure would have been nice to have that new mission here. The simultaneously released PS2 version otherwise has most of the same qualities as the GameCube version, yet its visuals and loading times are somewhat worse. At any rate, if all you wanted to know was how the GameCube version of Splinter Cell stacks up to the others, now you are all set.

Or maybe you are still wondering what a splinter cell actually is. The game's title refers to the unusual role of Sam Fisher, a highly trained and experienced soldier working for a top-secret military organization, Third Echelon, that's attempting to rid the world of a high-tech terrorist threat. If Fisher's caught, the US government will disavow its affiliation with his mission. Worse yet, one false move and Fisher may inadvertently instigate World War III. So the pressure's on, but Fisher's as cool as they come. Though he's skilled as a fighter, stealth is his only real option, and the fate of the free world hangs in the balance as he undertakes a number of high-stakes covert operations. The game's plot, which is set in the near future, is straight out of a Clancy thriller and involves Fisher taking on Clancy's favorite tag team: the Russians and the Chinese.

The GameCube version of Splinter Cell features GBA connectivity, granting you a real-time tactical map of your surroundings. Despite being Third Echelon's right hand, Sam Fisher is on a need-to-know basis and is largely kept in the dark about the exact nature of his objectives. Fortunately, he's extremely resourceful, armed or unarmed. A preliminary training scenario will familiarize you with the basics of being Sam Fisher, but you will nevertheless need a lot of practice to become truly proficient in the role. Throughout the game, the right analog stick lets you freely move the camera, which generally works well to give you a good situational awareness but sometimes gets cramped up in tight spaces. The other controls also take getting used to but work effectively, enabling you to perform an array of maneuvers that collectively make Splinter Cell feel like a pretty believable super-spy simulation.

In fact, the variety of moves at Fisher's disposal is probably the highlight of Splinter Cell. Sam has something for every occasion: He can move quite quickly from a crouched position, and if you tread carefully while crouching, you will be almost invisible and almost silent. He can climb ladders, chain-link fences, and more. He can rappel down walls (and kick through glass windows while doing so), climb hand over hand (or using all four limbs) across horizontal pipes, and zip across downward-slanted ropes or wires. He can put his back against a wall and lean or shoot around corners, he can peek behind doors that are slightly ajar, and he can make soft landings or perform evasive rolls. Fisher can also kick off a wall in mid jump, and his coolest move (though it isn't very practical) allows him to stand in the splits atop a narrow passageway and then either shoot unsuspecting opponents or drop down to deliver a stunning blow/

Sneaking up behind an opponent allows Fisher to either knock the foe unconscious with an elbow strike or a pistol whip or grab the enemy and take him hostage. Fisher can then use the opponent as a human shield against other enemies, or in some cases interrogate him or force him to do such things as activate retinal scanners that otherwise prevent passage. He'll eventually have to dispatch his hostage one way or another, and then he can pick up and move the prone body out of the sight of enemy patrols. Fortunately for you, unconscious foes will awaken only if discovered by their allies.

Fisher's night-vision and thermal-vision scopes let him get the drop on his enemies.
Fisher's arsenal is fairly limited but nonetheless effective. To start with, he has a trusty silenced pistol that can kill with a shot to the head and can also be used to shoot out certain lights to make for a more-favorable situation for Fisher and his night-vision goggles. Later on, he will find a high-tech experimental assault rifle that becomes his mainstay. Featuring both single-shot and fully automatic firing modes, the SC-20K also sports a silencer and a muzzle-flash suppressor, making it perfect for Fisher's purposes. This modular rifle even has a magnifying scope, allowing for precision shooting — in a great touch, Fisher can hold his breath while looking through the scope to temporarily steady his aim. The SC-20K also supports a number of alternative types of ammunition, such as special rounds that can be used to incapacitate foes rather than kill them. In a number of Splinter Cell's missions, casualties are strictly prohibited, so this feature isn't just for sympathy's sake.

More interestingly, the SC-20K can be used to fire remote camera probes, nauseating smoke bombs, or a distraction camera that can be used to lure guards away from their posts and then give them a mouthful of knockout gas. Such funky devices aren't always strictly necessary for finishing a mission, but they are fun to use and can help you avoid getting into a tight spot. Fisher can also get his hands on frag grenades and wall mines, though explosives aren't really his style. Throwing cans or bottles to distract foes is more up his alley.

Picking locks is definitely his style, too, and he can use his trusty lock picks to bypass any locked doors. The game presents a great simulation of lock-picking in which you rotate the left analog stick until you find the pin (you will feel the controller vibrate, if you are not using a Wavebird), wiggle the stick until Fisher nudges the pin loose, and then repeat the process as many times as there are pins in the lock. Some of Fisher's other neat gadgets include an optic cable that can be slid under doorways to give you a gander at what's on the other side, a camera jammer that disrupts security cameras, and emergency flares that can draw the fire of automated heat-sensitive gun turrets. Fisher is basically a high-tech government ninja, what with all this stuff, and what with his combination night-vision and heat-vision goggles, which also gain a magnifying scope in this version. The odds are always against him, but he has a big-time element of surprise. His moves and gadgets aren't just for show, either, as Splinter Cell will require you to make use of almost all of Fisher's various abilities in most every mission.

In Splinter Cell, the use of deadly force is more of a convenience than a necessity. Fisher's missions may all be different — one takes place on a seemingly unassuming oil rig in the middle of the ocean, while another takes place within the headquarters of the CIA — but they are all pretty similar in how you must proceed in them: Stay out of sight, stay out of harm's way, and engage hostiles only when necessary. This is easier said than done, and despite Fisher's impressive list of moves and exceptional skill, you will invariably draw your enemies' attention in every mission you attempt. If caught in a firefight, Fisher can be killed with just a few shots, though his foes tend to go down much more quickly. Nevertheless, ammunition is limited, and Fisher's aim strays wildly if he tries to shoot while moving or tries to shoot in rapid succession. More importantly, being discovered will often cause a guard to raise the general alarm, which in some missions makes for automatic failure.

In other missions, the alarm can go off several times before Third Echelon pulls the plug on you, and sometimes there's no alarm to worry about at all. Sometimes the alarm will go off at scripted moments if you have killed or knocked out a guard leading up to that point and failed to completely hide his body. In the Xbox version of Splinter Cell, this could force you into a perpetual mission-failure cycle, though here, not only do you get an onscreen indicator of how many times you are allowed to trip the alarm before the mission's a failure, but if you do fail by tripping too many alarms, you will restart from the last checkpoint with at least two strikes left. This is part of why the GameCube version of Splinter Cell is generally easier than the Xbox version, which isn't entirely a good thing. Some mission sequences have been removed from the game altogether, most notably the break-in into the CIA headquarters — you start the mission already inside. Other parts are slightly changed: For instance, in the Xbox version, Fisher infiltrates an oil tanker at sunset, whereas there's a full moon here.

Despite that the GameCube version of Splinter Cell isn't as difficult as previous versions, new Splinter Cell players will still invariably find themselves often screwing up and restarting different sequences. Trial and error to some extent goes part and parcel with most gaming experiences, but in Splinter Cell (and other stealth games), sometimes it can get to be a little too much. Part of the problem, as it is with most every stealth game, is that the missions are heavily scripted and play out exactly the same way each time. The suspense is almost nonexistent by the time you reach your fifth attempt at sneaking through that heavily guarded alley, and any sense of urgency is undermined when you realize that the truck you are desperately trying to catch up to or the assassination you are desperately trying to prevent are events that will not be triggered until you cross certain thresholds. Enemy patrols are also triggered at specific points. You can wait forever for that guard to come around the corner, but you will not see him do it until you step forward those last few inches.

The lighting adds a lot to the atmosphere, but it figures into the gameplay as well.
The guards in Splinter Cell are believable enough, but they all move in predictable fashions and do not exhibit any complex behavior. They'll investigate noises and shoot on sight, but in hostile situations, they'll blunder headlong into kill zones and will sometimes see you even when the onscreen stealth meter is telling you you are completely invisible. They'll also sometimes be able to see you through walls, and will shoot at you robotically even when you are completely out of their line of sight. Yet though the guards aren't smart and aren't particularly difficult to dispose of, Splinter Cell can still be a tough game, since sneaking past enemies (rather than taking them out) is often the order of the day, and that's a tall order to fill. Fortunately, most missions take place in the dark, where your night vision gives you a huge advantage.

Splinter Cell pushed the envelope in terms of the Xbox's graphical capabilities, but some compromises had to be made with the GameCube version's visuals. The environments are considerably less detailed, and the shadow and lighting effects do not look quite as good, though they are still very good. The game's frame rate can vary wildly and slows way down in areas that are particularly heavy on lighting effects. you will also notice some collision detection and clipping issues, such as when a felled opponent's feet can be seen sticking straight through a door. The game's real-time lighting isn't just for show, since making use of the light and shadows in each area is a critical part of the gameplay. The rest of the game's visuals are also impressive. Fisher's movements are extremely lifelike and highly articulate, and they almost seem as if they were motion captured, even though they were not. The game's modern environments aren't exactly scenic, but they are still dense with detail.

Splinter Cell also sounds terrific, and as with any self-respecting stealth game, the audio is integral to the experience. you will actually hear Fisher making a bit more noise the faster he moves, so you will learn to be your own worst critic as you try to move about silently. All his subtle actions, from lock-picking to drawing his different weapons and gadgets, have a suitably soft sound to go with them, creating the sense that Fisher is extremely skilled at being silent, but still runs the danger of making too much noise. Also, Splinter Cell's bass-heavy ambient music is excellent, and it grows louder and faster when you are spotted or caught. But much like in some other stealth-based games, the way the music picks up or quiets down depending on the circumstances has some unintentional side effects that almost feel like cheating: you will learn to trust the music for knowing whether or not any enemies remain in your vicinity. The coast is clear when the music says so.

Splinter Cell for the GameCube is a great translation of a great game. Of further note, Splinter Cell has a good amount of speech in it, though disappointingly, the Russians and Chinese speak in English using lame, stereotypical accents rather than in their native tongues. it is implied that Fisher is multilingual, so it would have been great if he'd simply translated for you in the context of the dialogue — especially since you will really like hearing him speak. He's voiced by Michael Ironside (Starship Troopers, Top Gun), who's absolutely perfect for the role, with his naturally gravelly, gruff manner of speaking. Ironside got a good script to work with for Splinter Cell, and he brings Fisher's character to life with a suitably no-nonsense attitude and plenty of dry humor to round it out.

Splinter Cell consists of only nine missions, though each of these is long and involved. You should be able to finish the game in about 10 to 15 hours, and beyond that, Splinter Cell's replay value is limited due to its missions' scripted, linear nature. Still, there's a hard difficulty mode available that really stresses the game's stealth aspect and should be a fun for those who master the default setting.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell is undoubtedly one the best examples of a stealth game to date, and it will surely appeal to those who've enjoyed similar games in the past. Or, if you like the idea or even just the look of Splinter Cell but haven't played a stealth game before, then this is a perfectly good place to start. Either way, chances are you will really enjoy the experience for as long as it lasts. you will have a great time experimenting with and effectively using Sam Fisher's variety of moves and gadgets, and the game's big missions should provide a significant challenge.