Davenport Games

Microsoft did not make the Original Xbox Game Console, they just put their name on it

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Medal of Honor: Frontline - D-Day

D-Day - Walkthrough

Medal of Honor: Frontline


1. Your Finest Hour, D-Day

Initial Equipment
  • Colt .45
  • M1 Garand
Acquired Equipment
  • Thompson Gun
Meet the Captain on the Beach

Better find some cover before you become a target. Head to Patterson's left there should be a guy shouting your name above the din. Unlike Captain Miller, this guy's not in shell shock from the Higgin's Boat being blasted into tinder, so you at least have a small inkling that someone is in charge. So wander over to the yelling guy, right next to the Company Commander as he shouts you some orders. Destroy the two pillboxes on the beach. You need to regroup the rest of the company. Since your Captain is too valuable to be spared the job, he sends you to do his dirty work. Find the remnants of the company and they can regroup at the shingle embankment and start the assault on the pillboxes.

Rescue four pinned down soldiers

There are four soldiers that you need to "rescue" by going near them and then firing on the closest pillbox. This temporarily stops the stream of machine gun fire and allow the buddy to make a run for cover. From the wreckage of the Higgin's Boat, face the sea where you came in from, then turn around 180 degrees and face the wreck of the boat.

Buddy #1

Just to the wreck's right (and most likely your right) is a soldier pinned down by a wood and barbed wire beach landing obstacle (these were designed by Rommel to interfere with landing boats). Head to him and if he is one of the guys you need to rescue, he starts shouting "I need some cover fire." Fire on the closest pillbox. Once you fire on the specks that are firing on you, they should give up the ghost soon and your buddy should take off for the shingle embankment. Be sure to crouch and take aim slowly at the specks in the distance.

Buddy #2

From where you rescued the first buddy, head west (to Patterson's right most likely). A second buddy comes shouting over the din. Do your best and follow the sound of his voice (stay low). If you reach a long string of barbed wire that bars any further progress, you have hit the edge of the map. If you find buddy number two (he should be farther up the beach than the first buddy), you should be near another water obstacle. Again, fire on the bunker and liberate you buddy. As soon as he takes off, you should crawl (crouch and move) toward the east; along the way, you run across buddy number three and four in an artillery pit and another beach obstacle.

Buddy #3

Buddy number three should be in a hole made by an artillery shell. If you do not come across him, you can find the fourth guy and come back to search for this guy later. Again fire on the closest bunker (this one may be a toss up between the left and right bunker). If you find any white sacks on the ground, pick one up. Chances are you are pretty banged up by now, so you should pick up anything that remotely looks like a white sack on the ground to restore health. Free buddy number three and start looking for number four.

Buddy #4

The last buddy should be at the east end of the beach (the left side of the beach) in front of the east (or left) bunker. If you do not find him, you may need to walk around a bit and stumble across his shout for help. Find him, rescue him, then meet your C.O. at the embankment, which is basically the wide raised area of the beach covered by barbed wire.

Rejoin the Company at the embankment

What is left of the company is at the embankment and they are ready to cross over the seawall and blast those bunkers. Turns out the combat engineer, a Specialist named Jones, is missing.

Rescue the Engineer at the end of the beach

"Patterson. Hey Patterson. Get over here. Now." The Captain orders you to find and get Jones' over to the seawall so he can blast the barbed wire that is blocking your way. Stay low, and crawl over the right side (west end) of the beach. There, you should see a lone soldier shouting at you. If you cannot find him, he should be by a massive tangle of barbed wire and a large version of the water obstacles you have seen. Picking up the Thompson Gun and Thompson Gun Ammo that is next to Engineer Jones. Again, fire at the closest bunker to start Jones running to the embankment. Once there, he blows the barbed wire and you and the rest of the boys can reach the base of one of the bunkers and be safe for the moment.

Meet the Captain at the base of the bunker

Once the hole in the wall goes, there is no reason to stay on the beach, unless you want to die. Run up to the bunker and stay there. You are safe until the soldiers start launching artillery. The Cap is gonna order you around some more. there is a Field Surgeon Kit by the bunker, as well as more Thompson ammo. Stick with your Garand for now. The Cap informs you that the machine gun nests on the ridge between the two bunkers are preventing the company from assaulting the bunkers proper, so you are gonna have to clear the ridge, preferably by machine gun fire. Note that the Cap said, "machine gun fire." Not Submachine gun. Your Thompson is going to come into play a little later. There is a machine gun in a trench at the base of the ridge; you can probably see it on the right edge of the screen if you have the Captain centered on the screen.

Traverse the minefield and man the gun

Take your time in locating the machine gun. The company gives you "cover fire" which really does not do anything. Make your way across the minefield using the craters (where previous mines exploded) as a trail and hope you do not set off any other mines. Although the minefield does not kill you instantly, the damage a mine does may prove incapacitating on the Hard difficulty. do not forget, landmines are equal opportunity killers, so do not stick around. Make your way into the trench and kill the two soldiers (one at each dead end) before you start exploring the area. The metal door at the end of one dead end is the beginning of the next stage. Take the medical kit one of the dead soldiers may have dropped in the trench.

Climb the ladder and you should see the gun. Before you "Press Action to Fire the Gun," do yourself a favor and crouch first. Then move Patterson so he is hidden mostly by the machine gun's pedastel. The reason for this is gameplay -- when Patterson mans a machine gun, he temporarily stands up and you can aim and fire the machine gun. But when he disengages the gun, he returns to his previous position. So if he was ducking behind some cover before he manned the gun, he returns under cover when he ditches control of the gun. This helps if you find yourself under fire while you are manning a machine gun and need to duck under cover for a bit to gauge your situation. Remember this game quirk, it comes in handy as you encounter harder enemies with better aim later on in the game

Destroy the gun nests on the ridge - plus - Eliminate the soldiers in the trench

Once you man the machine gun, ignore your orders to clear the ridge of gun nests. Instead turn and aim the machine gun down the trench you came from and kill all the soldiers who attempt to ambush you. Once the objective is marked as "cleared," you can turn you attention to the gun nests on the ridge and finish off both nests. If you have trouble identifying the gun nests, they are the ones who have the long streams of white coming from the hillcock. Once you nail the soldiers down their stream of fire, you have saved your company from almost certain death. You can also make your job easier by shooting the grey blotch right below each nest. Those are inflammable fuel drums you encounter in the next stage. Meet your Company Commander and the stage should end.

2. Into the Breach, D-Day

Initial Equipment
  • Colt .45
  • M1 Garand
  • Thompson Gun
Clear machine gun bunker

Inch forward standing (you need to stand to shoot the barrel) and use you Garand or Colt to ignite the barrel and kill the soldiers manning the machine gun. You should head in and switch to your Thompson. Fire off a few rounds, but do not go nuts, you need that weapon for this stage.

Kill the two soldiers on the way to the machine gun (you can blast the sand filled barrels easily, but it wastes ammo). Clear out the wounded and panicked soldier who is firing wildly at the rear entrance to the nest. Head back to where the front of the machine gun is and peer past the opening. Before you shoot them from the back, you need to make a decision whether you want to use your Thompson ammo or the machine gun to kill the wave of enemy soldiers who rush the nest from the bunker's front entrance (where you came in from). This wave of soldiers is activated by you killing the panicked soldier and thus "clearing" the machine bunker.

If you want to use the machine gun, you should either head back to the entrance and kill the panicked soldier normally (through the rear entrance to the nest) or simply running back to the man the gun as soon as you clear the gun nest. You can also use your Thompson since there is plenty of Thompson ammo (for some odd reason) to find further inside. Once you clean house of the first floor, take everything you can get your hands on — except the health — save that for later. You can destroy some wooden boxes but not others, make it a habit to recognize which ones you can investigate.

Destroy radio to upper gun deck

Make your way up the stairs to the second floor and drill the soldier halfway up. In spite of the gunfire and the shelling from offshore ships, you hear a Jerry on a radio yelling about how many Allied troops are making it to shore. Do yourself a favour and drill the soldier from behind and then use your Colt or Garand to destroy the radio.

Find smoke grenades

Deeper inside the bunker, you find some smoke grenades that your Navy buddies recognize as targets for shelling. But the first thing is to survive the gamut of enemies you meet in the tight confines of the pillbox. In the next room a soldiers tips the table to provide some much needed cover. Back up around the corner and take aim at the overturned barrel in the left side of the overturned table. The guy dies in the blast, and you can kill the guys around the next corner easily.

Head up the first ladder you see and drill the soldier past the doorway. If you are smart, you are using the Garand for these lone kills instead of the Thompson. The next corner you round has two soldiers, one throws a Potato Smasher into the confined hallway. Back up and let the grenade explode — if you are daring, dash past the grenade after drilling the first guy and catch the second guy red-handed. The second soldier drops the box of grenades but makes an attempt for his sidearm if you stop to admire his bravado. Kill everyone and you should see a tunnel entrance past the grenade throwing soldier. The second ladder is a dead end because the soldiers upstairs have locked the metal hatch. The smoke grenades are past the tunnel entrance. Watch out for the two soldiers just past the entrance.

Clear both gun decks

The smoke grenades were just past the entrance to the tunnel. The store room at the end of the tunnel has three soldiers waiting to ambush you. Crouch under cover and pop up (stand, fire, then duck quickly) to take out all three soldiers. If you have problems, you can always head back into the tunnel and wait for them to turn the corner, but with the obstacles in the store room, the enemy A.I. may not be smart enough to navigate through it without getting stuck.

At the second tunnel, you should duck and take out both soldiers sitting by the grey drum with a Colt or Garand round. You come under fire immediately from a doorway leading to the third tunnel. Take care of things and head past it and the metal table in the room to find a supply closet with much needed supplies. You can drill the soldiers from the safety of the supply closet if you want. If you need health, make it a habit now to go back downstairs and take the health items from the beginning of the stage before returning here. This way, if you run into something unmanageable later on, you can visit the health item toward the end of the stage.

The hallway leading to the last ladder puts you under fire from both ends, each end managed by a single soldier. Make a choice on who to kill, and take cover from the other one. Climb the ladder when all is clear and dead and drill the lone officer by the upper gun deck radio. Before you make like a hero and charge through the door to the gun deck, be sure you are aware of the door that prompts the game to notify you, "Warning, both gun decks not cleared." You do not need to open the door to get the message. This is the door you need to leave by as soon as you set off the smoke grenades. When you open the door to the gun deck, you have five soldiers killing your buddies to notice you coming behind them with a Thompson. You can position yourself and line them up to take them out in one long burst of automatic fire.

Use the Garand to take a few pot shots at the other far gun deck. A P-51 Mustang takes out the far gun deck in a blaze of cannon fire as soon as you score the first hit. The Captain shouts at you over the din again and mark the far gun deck. You do the same after the far gun deck is blasted. Remember, you are inside the target, so once you set off those smoke markers, get out. Your Company Commander will drill the last soldier waiting outside the bunker entrance (just around the corner) and notify you of your new orders.
