Davenport Games

Microsoft did not make the Original Xbox Game Console, they just put their name on it

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Battlefield 2: Modern Combat - Big Bang

Big Bang - Walkthrough

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

Big Bang

Primary Mission

  • Battle to the Refinery
  • Place 1st charge
  • Place 2nd charge
  • Place 3rd charge
  • Place 4th charge
  • Place 5th charge
  • Place 6th charge
  • Get out before the Refinery blows

The battle to the Refinery is not very difficult. Be careful not to drive your tank into the water — they are not amphibious. Let the computer drive the tank and you man the gun. You can rack up some big points by mowing down all of the foot soldiers that swarm out at you. And take aim at the floating mines in the river and focus your fire on the turrets. The only time you should switch back into the driver seat is when you come across a tank. Blow him up yourself for the points, but otherwise do all of your damage with the machine gun.

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Big Bang 1
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Big Bang 2

Inside the Refinery you have to plant six charges. Make use of Hot swap skills to quickly move around from one point to the next. Once you plant a charge, a swarm of enemy soldiers will come out. Be sure to kill them before you Hot swap away to ensure that you get a big score at the end of the mission.

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Big Bang 3
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Big Bang 4

Each of the charges must be placed at the top of the oil tanks. That means you need to fight your way up the staircase. Be sure to clear out anyone shooting at you before attempting to place the charge. The last thing you want to be is a sitting duck.

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Big Bang 5
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Big Bang 6

When all six charges have been placed, you need to get out of the Refinery before it explodes. Get into an assault soldier and use your zoom to locate a friendly troop who is outside of the Refinery. Hot swap over to them to finish the mission. If you cannot find one, you have to battle your way out on foot. Luckily, the three green markers on your mini map tell the direction to the exit points. Choose one and run.
