Davenport Games

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StarCraft 64 #12 - Terran Missions

Terran Missions - Walkthrough

StarCraft 64 #12

StarCraft 64 - Terran Missions

Wasteland, Terran Missions

  • Find Raynor
  • Build a Barracks
  • Train 10 Marines
  • Raynor must survive (new objective)

Follow the brick road and you end up at the central part of the map. Go to the Vulture and you will find Raynor. At this moment a new objective will open up, Raynor must survive. Anyway, take out the little Zergling threat and head over to the Command Center. Use your SCVs to Gather minerals have your Marines and Vulture keep guard while they do so. Once you hit 50 minerals, build another SCV. Do so until you hit 18 supply. Then, follow with a supply depot. And once you have enough money, start on the Barrack.

Use the SCV that built the supply depot to gather minerals. As soon as your barrack finishes, your objective will be completed and Marine counter will be at the top left of your screen. Just proceed to build Marines and perhaps put up another barrack if you wish. Once your 10 marines are done, victory is yours.

You begin the mission with five Marines and five SCVs in the northwest corner of the map. Continue along the stretch of road and proceed to the center of the map, where you find Jim Raynor in his Vulture. You will not encounter Zerglings until you continue south toward the Command Center. Lead with your Marines and take out the Zerglings blocking your way. Raynor is deadly with his Vulture early in the mission, so there's no need t o be over-protective. However, the Zerglings can take him out when they swarm, so keep him behind your Marines after you leave the Command Center.

After you reach the Command Center, have the SCVs start collecting minerals. When you accumulate the necessary mineral count (150), build the Barracks and begin creating ten Marines to satisfy the mission objective.

Backwater Station, Terran Missions

  • Eradicate alien infestation
  • Raynor must survive

Lift up your Command Center and land it on the right of the minerals. Build the SCVs RIGHT away. Keep building SCVs until you hit 17 supply, having all your SCVs gathering minerals. As soon as you hit 17, begin work on some marines. Also, start your supply depot at 24 supply. While playing, do a 21barrack as well. (21barrack means barrack at 21 supply.)

Once you have around 9 marines or so, move north up the ramp to the little Zerg here. Take out the 6 lings and follow up by destroying the Creep Colony. Move to the Bunker to the gain control of it. Move north further and take control of all the buildings here. Begin work on a group of about 16 or so Marines and had to the northeast. Take out the couple of Creep Colonies plus the feeble army they send at you and you will be victorious once again.

Your forces enter the map in the southwest corner. The lone SCV begins mining immediately, but create three more—two to continue gathering minerals and one to build your Barracks. do not venture forth until you create at least eight more Marines.

With your newly reinforced unit of twelve Marines, move northeast up the canyon where you encounter three Zerglings. Take them out, backtrack to the ramp on the left, move up toward the pool of Zerg Creep, and take out the Zerglings. Continue to the northwest corner of the map, where you find the battered Backwater Station Command Center.

As you reach the Command Center, the surrounding structures come under your control, along with two SCVs and five Firebats. Instruct each of the Barracks to produce four Firebats and assign the SCV to replenish your mineral supply.

From your current position, move westward in two groups, leading with the Marines and Raynor. By the time the Firebats reach the remaining Zerg structures, they can use their short-range flamethrowers with deadly efficiency, and without coming under long-range attack from the Zerglings. The Zerglings are a bit tougher in this mission, so be prepared to suffer your first casualties. After winning the opening skirmish, continue moving southeast through the canyon where you encounter heavy Zerg infestation.

Head straight for the infested Command Center in the northeast corner of the map. You will not find any resistance at the Command Center, so send in the Firebats and torch the place.

Desperate Alliance, Terran Missions

  • Survive for 30 minutes

Build an SCV at the Command Center, then use an SCV to repair the burning Bunker and have the other two gather. Once the reparing is done, use the SCV to gather. Make sure to load 4 marines into the bunker as well. A couple minutes into the game and the first Zergling will strike. Your bunked marines will take care of that. Keep a watchful eye on your command center and build an SCV every 50 minerals. Then 32depot.

Get 12 SCVs gathering minerals, with 36barrack and 38refinery. 3 SCVs gathering gas. Build two supply depots to block your bunker and then one last bunker beside the supply depot to finish the block. Do the same to the other side and have some SCVs nearby to repair. Keep building Marines and build barracks if you have extra cash. Also, never stop building SCVs. And another thing: increase your marine range and stim-pack at the academy. Do all this and you should get through the 30 minutes.

Time is of the essence in this mission, so immediately repair the burning Bunker and nearby Vulture. Expect a light attack while you are completing repairs, but do not get complacent, because future skirmishes will be much more intense. Garrison the repaired Bunker with four Marines, and send four Marines to the Bunker on the east side of the center platform. Once manned, these Bunkers, along with the Turrets and Vultures, have more than enough firepower to repel Zerg invaders while you build up an attack force.

If you plan to take the fight to the Zergs, you will need to field a force with upgraded weapon range and armor strength, and at least thirty Marines and twelve Firebats. you will need Vespene Gas for the upgrades and Firebats, so assign one of your SCVs to build a Refinery over the geysers located just behind the right-hand ramp.

You can take a defensive stance and win this mission by adding at least two more Bunkers on either side of the platform and protecting the base with a force of about twenty-five Marines. Continue adding Bunkers along the roads leading out from your base, creating a gauntlet for attacking Zerg forces.

The Bunkers are critical for slowing down the massive attack toward the end of the mission. Without these additional reinforcements, the Zergs can easily overrun your initial position. Even with the Bunkers, you suffer heavy casualties, so be prepared to crank out Marine reinforcements and repair the Bunkers and Vultures. Just hang in there until the transports arrive to win the mission.

Receiving the option to attack the Zerg Hatchery is no guarantee of success. You must create a large, balanced force of Marines and Firebats, and you must protect your base during the attacks, because the Barracks need to keep up a steady flow of reinforcements. Watch your supply of minerals and keep your attacking force at peak strength. You take heavy casualties, but each attack weakens the Zerg and, eventually, the Firebats have a victory "Zergie" roast, giving you a hard-fought victory.

The Jacob's Installation, Terran Missions

  • Retrieve datadisics from the Confederate Network
  • Raynor must survive

Head through the first gate to the next room. And then follow the path to the next gate, and move in a little further. defeat the enemies here. Go up the stairs and continue on. defeat the two marines here and walk through the next gate.

Continue on and you will be prompted to go either right or left. Go right. Follow the path and you will hit another fork. Go right once more and deactivate the automatic defenses by going to the beacon.

Follow leave and take the forward path. Keep going and you will hit a yellow beacon. Go in there and you will be teleported. Follow the path to the next gate. Go inside and take out all the defenses and to the white beacon. Once the file transfer is complete, you win.

Move your men to the northwest (the wall lowers automatically upon your approach). There will be light resistance along the way, until you reach a large room with three stairways.

Proceed up the stairs and continue in the same direction until you come to a lone Marine protecting a corridor on the left. Take him out and turn right, entering a small chamber containing a Terran Beacon and a handful of enemy guards. Overwhelm the guards to deactivate the area defense system (floor-mounted guns).

Leave the room and go straight down the corridor. Turn right and target the lone guard. Continue to the right and enter the chamber that contains the second Beacon, along with two prisoners. When you gain control of the room, a door opens back down the hallway to the left. These prisoners are harmless. However, another door opens directly opposite from the Beacon chamber, revealing Zerg prisoners. Make sure that your force is tightly clustered before entering, or the Zerg will isolate and defeat any stragglers.

Continue winding through the hallways until you come to a stairway leading down into a small room. Enemy Vultures are behind the doors on your left, so be prepared. Go up the stairs, moving toward the northwest corner of the map, to find the third Beacon.

Your force is in a room in the northeast corner of the map. Move south into the next room, but be careful of the floor-mounted guns that open fire as you move through this sector.

Continue into a large hall that contains the Confederate network and the final Beacon. As you enter the Beacon, the data download begins. After several seconds, the download is complete and you win the mission!

Revolution, Terran Missions

  • Bring Kerrigan to the Antigan Command Center
  • Defend the Antigan rebels
  • Raynor and Kerrigan must survive

Go south until you find Kerrigan. Raynor and her will go through a brief talking to, and then you can control once again. defeat the Marine and the turrets if you wish. Cross the bridge and continue on. Go east when you can. Ignore the bunkers and focus all fire on the missle turret, once you have brought it down, move all your troops back to a safe distance. Cloak Kerrigan. Send her in to take out the bunkers one by one. Once you use up the 250 seconds of cloak, send in the other troops to get whats left of the bunkers. Remember, it is easier to destroy the buildings if you make all of your forces to target the buildings one-by-one.

Once you have destroyed this little encounter. Move your forces up the ramp and to the beacon. You will gain control of SCVs, tell them to gather. Meanwhile, make 5 SCVs in your CC.

  • Build Order: Revolution
  • 40depot
  • 43academy
  • 50barrack

Start pumping out some marines and more SCVs. Research stim-pack first and have research some spider mines. After spider mines, follow with the thrusters (speed upgrade) and marine range ups. You should also have 3 SCVs gathering gas, BTW. Continue to pump out SCVs and gather minerals, remember, never stop pumping out SCVs. Build lots of factories and barracks to pump out many marines and vultures. Once you think you have enough (which is about 147), build serveral dropships and load them with your army. Goto the southeast part of the map and unload your troops to bring this part down first. Destroy the rest of the island.

As the mission begins, your group is on the southern central border of the map. Just northwest of your position, you find a base with several damaged buildings, but before you reach it, you must take care of a Zerg ambush party. The Norad II is separated from the base by a pool of Creep, with the Battlecruiser located on the northeast side of the pool. But, before you think about going to the Norad, send your SCVs to fix the base structures that are in the red zone. Do not waste time, because once a structure has reached red status, it continues to burn until it is completely destroyed.

After repairing the buildings, send your SCVs to the mineral deposits to start harvesting, because you lack enough minerals to make additional SCVs or repair the Norad. Next, pack as many Marines as possible into the two damaged Bunkers near the Norad II. Once you stockpile enough Vespene Gas, use the SCVs to repair the Bunkers and the Norad II. Check the Norad site on a regular basis, especially after an attack, so that you can keep up with necessary maintenance. The SCVs are quite durable in this mission, so you can endure several attacks, patch up the Bunkers and Norad II and get back to the business of building a rescue force.

As you accumulate minerals and gas, fill the Bunkers with Marines. If you can, build one or two additional Bunkers to protect your Command Center and Refinery. Have Raynor lay all three of his mines around the north and northeast sides of the camp. Build an extra Bunker to protect the Vespene Gas Refinery. With an SCV nearby to repair damage, the defensive ring should be enough to protect your base while you build an attack force to reach the Norad II and deliver Raynor to the Beacon.

With your defense in place, concentrate on building an offensive strike force capable of penetrating the Zerg Spore Colonies and reaching the Norad II. You will lose many units, if not your entire first wave, taking out the Sunken Colony.

Go back for another load, but this time insert an SCV in place of a Marine to repair any Goliaths damaged in the second attack. With the first Sunken Colony out of the way, your path will be much easier. Take out the remaining colonies and a handful of Zerg units by moving in a clockwise direction, but do not go north of the Norad. Make sure that you can reinforce the second wave as needed.

After clearing a lane, send a Dropship back to get Jim Raynor and then drop him on the Beacon to win the mission. Keep your Goliaths at the ready in case Zerg Scourge sweep in as Raynor is moving toward the Beacon.

Your forces begin this mission in the northwest corner of the map. Proceed south down the path until you find Sarah Kerrigan. Continue south until you reach three Missile Turrets and a lone guard. Take them out and follow the blacktop to the northeast, where you find a Vulture. Take it out quickly before it can do any serious damage.

Go to the end of the road and park your group behind the large tree. A Confederate Wraith hovers just northwest of your position. Use Kerrigan to Lockdown the Wraith and then blast it from the sky. Continue north into the clearing and then take out the Bunker and Missile Turret to your right.

After taking out the Missile Turret, cloak Kerrigan and sneak her past the Bunkers, Wraiths, and Goliath to deactivate the Beacon that controls the Antigan Base. Once the base is liberated, the Antigan Bunkers will take out most of the Confederate forces. When the smoke clears, send Raynor and the Marines in to mop up the remaining enemy units.

After Kerrigan defeats the Confederate officer, you receive word that a substantial Confederate strike force is gathering and your new objective is to destroy the Confederate base that stretches along the southern border of the map. To acquire the necessary firepower for this attack, you must bring the Antigan base up to speed and produce Marines, Wraiths (with Cloaking ability and Apollo Reactors), and Dropships (your base is surrounded by water, so you need Dropships to deliver your Marines to the fire zone).

Building a strong attack force is critical to destroying the Confederate base, but you must also build defenses. Place Missile Turrets along the southern border of your base to protect against Confederate Wraith attacks. When your force is ready, send your cloaked Wraiths, along with two Dropships loaded with Marines, to the Confederate Refinery in the southeastern corner of the map. After you level the Refinery, move your cloaked Wraiths and Marines down the road to the southwest and take out the Confederate Wraiths and Goliaths that respond to your initial attack.

As you move from east to west through the Confederate base, check your forces and replenish Wraiths and/or Marines if needed. Maintain at least ten Wraiths and twelve Marines at all times. Support your Wraiths with Marines in a combined arms attack or they will be vulnerable to Confederate Missile Turrets. Continue sweeping toward the southwest corner of the map until the last Confederate unit bites the dust and you claim a devastating victory.

Norad II, Terran Missions

  • Protect Norad II
  • Bring Raynor and two dropships to Norad II

Okay, you have to work fast. Start send one SCV to repair the Engineering Bay and start building some SCVs. Go 33refinery. Keep pumping SCVs and build a Factory once you hit 100 gas. And once the factory completes, immediately start work on a starport. Meanwhile, you are building SCVs and gathering minerals. Once your starport completes, build a control tower and begin work on two dropships. Load Raynor and move to the bottom left of the screen. Very bottom. Go to the BOTTOM RIGHT corner of the screen, parallel to where you are. Go north over the sunkens and put your dropships over the beacon beside the battlecruiser.

As the mission begins, your group is on the southern central border of the map. Just northwest of your position, you find a base with several damaged buildings, but before you reach it, you must take care of a Zerg ambush party. The Norad II is separated from the base by a pool of Creep, with the Battlecruiser located on the northeast side of the pool. But, before you think about going to the Norad, send your SCVs to fix the base structures that are in the red zone. do not waste time, because once a structure has reached red status, it continues to burn until it is completely destroyed.

After repairing the buildings, send your SCVs to the mineral deposits to start harvesting, because you lack enough minerals to make additional SCVs or repair the Norad. Next, pack as many Marines as possible into the two damaged Bunkers near the Norad II. Once you stockpile enough Vespene Gas, use the SCVs to repair the Bunkers and the Norad II. Check the Norad site on a regular basis, especially after an attack, so that you can keep up with necessary maintenance. The SCVs are quite durable in this mission, so you can endure several attacks, patch up the Bunkers and Norad II and get back to the business of building a rescue force.

As you accumulate minerals and gas, fill the Bunkers with Marines. If you can, build one or two additional Bunkers to protect your Command Center and Refinery. Have Raynor lay all three of his mines around the north and northeast sides of the camp. Build an extra Bunker to protect the Vespene Gas Refinery. With an SCV nearby to repair damage, the defensive ring should be enough to protect your base while you build an attack force to reach the Norad II and deliver Raynor to the Beacon.

With your defense in place, concentrate on building an offensive strike force capable of penetrating the Zerg Spore Colonies and reaching the Norad II. You will lose many units, if not your entire first wave, taking out the Sunken Colony.

Go back for another load, but this time insert an SCV in place of a Marine to repair any Goliaths damaged in the second attack. With the first Sunken Colony out of the way, your path will be much easier. Take out the remaining colonies and a handful of Zerg units by moving in a clockwise direction, but do not go north of the Norad. Make sure that you can reinforce the second wave as needed.

After clearing a lane, send a Dropship back to get Jim Raynor and then drop him on the Beacon to win the mission. Keep your Goliaths at the ready in case Zerg Scourge sweep in as Raynor is moving toward the Beacon.

The Trump Card, Terran Missions

  • Bring Psi Emitter to the enemy base
  • Kerrigan must survive

The mission will start off with your science facility under attack. Lift it and move it to your base. Have your SCVs start gathering. Pump out SCVs, and begin building a supply depot once you hit your maximum supply. Build a gas when you have a decent number of SCVs gathering (more than 12), and then start on a factory and build a machine shop on your existing ones. Keep pumping out SCVs and gathering, remember this. Then, build a strong group of Siege Tanks, maybe around 12. Then, build some wraiths and a dropship. Load the SCV with the Psi Emitter into the ship and have your wraiths surround it. Then, have your tanks move in on the ground and siege when you approach the forces. Have your Wraiths and your Psi Emitter go right for the beacon and once you get there, unload your SCV.

As soon as this mission starts, you must pull back some of your units and buildings. Launch the Science Vessel and Starport and move them south (out of range of the enemy Bunkers). Finally, reinforce the bridge roads with Bunkers to slow down enemy advances.

To reach the Beacon and deposit the Psi Emitter, you must punch a hole in Confederate defenses. To do so, use the northern path leading from your northern staging area. Build up a force of about ten Siege Tanks, ten Goliaths, twelve Marines, and a couple SCVs (for creating Bunkers). You can also take Kerrigan along to Lockdown any Siege Tanks that you encounter, but be careful. A direct hit from a Siege Tank will put her in a world of hurt. The roads are narrow and, at the peak of fighting, the map becomes very congested.

Send your Science Vessel ahead of your other troops to warn you of waiting Siege Tanks. Progress cautiously using a systematic pattern of Goliaths and Marines followed closely by Siege Tanks. Use the SCVs to repair damage and build Bunkers as you advance. Finally, leave a Siege Tank behind each attack column to guard against surprise enemy flank attacks.

When you come to the mineral field at the top of the Confederate base, take out all of the SCVs and the Command Center to cripple the Confederate ability to create more units. Then move your Siege Tanks into the center of town. Once these tanks enter Siege Mode, the carnage really begins and enemy structures fall very quickly.

At this point, get the Psi Emitter into a Dropship to fly it up to the Beacon.Fly the Dropship along the pathway your ground forces cleared; otherwise, Missile Turrets may shoot it down. Drop the Psi Emitter (transported by an SCV) near the Beacon; then move it in. The mission ends.

The Big Push, Terran Missions

  • Eliminate the confederate forces
  • Duke must survive

Right off the bat, move all your stuff forward a bit and to everything here. Land all the buildings near each of their small ones. Use the Nuclear Silo on the top and ignore the second one. Have your SCVs gather quickly and start pumping more out. Spend some time mining and build some unit producing buildings like factories and starports. Remember, you are still pumping out SCVs during this. Use Metal (Goliaths and Siege Tanks) combined with Duke, a couple of Ghosts for Lockdown, and some SCVs for repair. Fight your way up the map with everything you got and you will make it out on top. Make sure to use the nukes too.

Load your SCVs and Marines into Dropships. Then group the Wraiths with Duke and move them west to the deserted base. Once there, have your air force take out the Confederate Marines and Firebats dotting the area. It shouldn't take much to clean them up.

Move your structures to the new base. After you have sorted out which buildings go where, move your air units to the raised area above your base. You can also add a few Bunkers and any Siege Tanks you create, so they will be in place for your slow, grinding assault across the central portion of the map.

Build up your forces with plenty of Siege Tanks, Goliaths, Marines, and Wraiths. Move these groups up the central and left portions of the map where you can capture vast mineral and Vespene deposits.

This is the first mission where you get to use Nukes and, if you build plenty of Command Centers around the new mineral deposits, you can have extra Nuclear Missile Silos (and, therefore, extra Nukes). Several Confederate installations on this map have closely grouped buildings perfect targets for the awesome power of a nuclear device. Use a cloaked Ghost to get in close to a target and then let the Nuke go. Follow up with a mop-up force to take out entire bases in a short period of time.

After you capture other mineral deposits and knock out the first Confederate base on the platform, the others will fall with help from Siege Tanks and Nukes. However, be careful of two Battleships lurking around a Starbase in the northeastern corner of the map. These Battleships can take out Duke's Battlecruiser if he wanders into firing range unprotected. Just remember to send him hunting with a pair of Ghosts that can Lockdown the enemy ships and give Duke a couple of easy defeats.

This mission can take quite a while, but you will have fun. After you take the base just above your own, most of the Confederate forces lie entirely along the east side of the map. Finish them off to end this marathon mission.

New Gettysburg, Terran Missions

  • Destroy the Protoss Force
  • All Zerg Buildings must survive
  • Kerrigan must survive

There's a small twist in this mission, the Zerg will make small attacks against you, so it is important that even when you go to defeat the Protoss, you leave some units around to defend.

Start off by lifting your Command Center closet to the minerals. Then, immediately start pumping out SCVs. Do so for the entire match, or until all the mineral patches are gone. Since you do not have any gas, pump out Vultures and Marines. Build enough Marines and Vultures to defend yourself. Use some money to build a command center close to you refinery. Get around 4 Factories and start pumping out tanks first. Once you have around 15, start getting some Goliaths. Around 10 or so is enough. If you ran out of minerals, leave your base through the southwest and down the ramp to an expo.

Anyway, leave 3 Tanks sieged and 2 Goliaths to cover them. Move to the ramp that leads to your expo but do not go down. Have 12 Tanks take the path on the right past the vespene gyeser and up a new ramp — make sure your Goliaths are close behind. Once you arrive at the last ramp, move to the edge of the cliff where the Roboctic's Support Bay is, siege your tanks. The Protoss will attempt a pathetic counter with a couple of lots and goons, but your tanks will make short work of that. You should be able to capture this base rather easily.

Head to the north east of the map and you will see a ramp leading up to a Protoss base. Siege right at the ramps and let your tanks blow everything up, then advance and finish off the rest of the base.

Please note: once you have eliminated the last Protoss building, perspective will switched back to your base. It will show a massive Zerg swarm against you, but this is required in order for the mission to finish.

A large Zerg force lies just north of your position; however, you cannot actively attack the Zerg because destroying even one of their buildings results in mission failure. Instead, place Bunkers (filled with Marines) near the ramps leading up to Zerg positions. As resources allow, add a few Missile Turrets to protect against Mutalisk attack.

Send your Dropship with some SCVs to claim the mineral deposits in the left-center and bottom-center portions of the map. Build an Armory, a Starport, a Refinery (if you haven't yet), and a Science Station. Meanwhile, build a pair of Bunkers on the path behind the mineral field at your base.

Set up two new Command Centers and arrange sufficient protection for the main base. Then build an extra Starport, making sure to include a Control Tower. Once you can build Battlecruisers, build them as fast as you can until you have eight or ten.

Once you have a fleet of Battlecruisers, fly them down to your lower Control Center and make sure you have researched the Yamato Cannon. Finally, before you begin your attack, group four to six SCVs as a repair team that can repair badly damaged Battlecruisers quickly. Use your Comsat Stations to locate enemy Photon Cannons and then move your fleet of Battlecruisers in for the defeat. Work your way along the bottom of the map until you have wiped out all of the structures.

As you work your way through the Protoss base, do not be afraid to use your Yamato Cannons to take out larger structures. Most structures succumb to two Yamato shots, so use this weapon together with the other Battlecruisers' lasers to go through the base like a hot knife through butter. Clear the Protoss structures in the upper-right corner of the map, which triggers a massive Zerg attack on your original base.

The Hammer Falls, Terran Missions

  • Destroy the Tarsonis Ion Cannon
  • Raynor must survive

It is time to let it all hang out, on the final mission of the Terran, one hell of a mission it will be. Start by mining immediately on the patches on the right, and focus on them first; meanwhile pumping out SCVs and then doing a 31depot. The supply depot should be finished when you reach the 34 supply, so just keep pumping out SCVs. Then, 36refinery (then 2 more workers on it to mine) and 40 depot. Build 3 Barracks at 46. Once all the minerals on the right mine out, lift off your CC closer to the refinery.

Seeing that you haven't use your gas, it is time to build some factories, build about 4, up the ramp, or any open area that you see. Machine shop them and start building some tanks. Make sure to research spider mines and plant them at the entrance to the right of your base. Get a Science Vessel to look for nukers. If you run out of money, have your troops take out the nearby enemy force shortly after the right choke point of your base and to the expo.

All right, it is time to look to Metal to bail us out again, but we're going to need some support from Wraiths, Ghosts and even some BattleCruisers. The point here is to use up ALL the money you have to build your force, because there's going to be lots of it. Get some nukes, lots of Vultures for some spider mines. Work your way to the Ion Cannon through the left side of the map. Remember to bring some SCVs to repair your damaged units too. Utilize Lockdown, and all of all the other abilities your units were blessed with.

4-Terran-Missions, Terran Missions

There are two main groups of enemy Terrans in this mission—the Sons of Korhal (Red), northwest of your starting position, and the Alpha Corps (White), located in the far northeast corner of the map. Although Alpha Corps is far away, they will launch Ghosts within the first ten minutes (to Lockdown your Siege Tanks) and at the thirty-minute mark, they will throw everything your way, including Siege Tanks, Goliaths, and more Ghosts.

This means that you have no time to waste. This mission is a track meet, where you must quickly get your production up to speed, so that you can lay down a devastating defensive web before you attack the Ion Cannon.

Immediately build a Barracks and Engineering Bay (Missile Turrets), followed by a Factory and Machine Shop (Siege Tanks). After they are online, lay down a network of Bunkers and Missile Turrets and deploy Siege Tanks as noted on the mission map.

you are preparing for attacks from the White base, while at the same time building an attack force and preparing defensive positions for the Red Force. When the defenses are ready, send out your force of Siege Tanks, Marines, Goliaths, and Ghosts. The Ghosts should target Siege Tanks and Science Vessels.

After securing these areas, begin to build a strong strike force of Battlecruisers, Wraiths, Science Vessels, Dropships, and, of course, the entire gamut of ground units. To take out the Ion Cannon, move your Battlecruisers in first to destroy the Missile Turrets at the edge of the platform. Once these have been neutralized, either land Dropships in the clear spot or proceed with your fleet of Battlecruisers and slowly annihilate all resistance.
